damn kids

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Jan 23, 2006
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tonight about 6pm a fire engine turned up across the road from us apparently stupid kids had set fire to Oscars hedging with hair spray it was well alight and risked his whole place going up poor man is in hospital with a bad knee the op went wrong his poor wife at home was on crutches , these bratts come from a new housing estate built behind us and they have no reason to come where we all live as it goes no where ,but no the little :tickedoff:( dont want to swear )but am so very pissed off as I am now worried about my pigs sheds in my garden along the back fence well the boys shed is , if it wasn't for the kids school being nearby I'd def move out to the country, why cannot the parents of these bratts control them I'm phoning the council tomorrow to complain about the estate, I am well pissed off believe me :tickedoff: :tickedoff: mIck said not to start on the little darlings but sorry if one goes near my garden he will be put very much in the picture whats coming his way, :tickedoff:
Omg this is terrible! I know exactly what you mean. Kids are getting worse and i mean terrible! Our local phone box keeps getting smashed up by stupid ones smashing the glass everywhere, its absolutely terrible! And i have to agree, where are the parents control in all this? I know i wouldnt let my kids do that! Thank god your pigs/family are ok though. But i know its a scare and i hope that this gets serious telling off for!
Oh god! Moving wont help michelle... over here we get that too!
Graffitti EVERYWHERE!, smashed phone booths and bus stops, someone set fire to a garbage can down the road from me >:( its unbelievable! the parents rither dont know, dont care or are to lazy to do anything! :tickedoff:
I'm a kid but I'm a good child 0:) I'd rather stay in playing with the animals that go out and cause mayhem xx
Thankyou for crushing my dreams baby-wilson. I want to move! ;D
Kids set fire to everything. They are destructive and they swear and ruin communities.
The parents work or on the doll and couldnt give a sh*t about them.
They get money off the conucil to afford to live in fancy estates that are quickly turned to bad areas.
They copy off their parents with swearing and trashing stuff, which is passed along the group of them.
They get a thrill from demoshling anything they can without getting caught.
Its really awful, to be living and growing up in such an enviorment, but its the 21st Century.
all my 5 kids were brought up with respect for their elders ( ones gone astray since he married a witch) but they all love animals and do not break the law, the area was lovely until the new estate was built behind us, they have no need to come our way but find it fun to cause trouble I want to move into the country away from the little gits, if I can keep my kids under control why cant the lazy parents do so, i tell you one step near my pigs shed they get it, kids or no kids
:tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: i'd def tell the council and the cops cause if you don't report it they don't have records of the problems that are being reported.... even if they can't do anything to start off with the more people complain about what happens they will have to react >:(
I do so agree with you Michelle, a pity the bloody parents can't pull their finger out and actually be a parent, it's not that bloody hard >:( If you love your kid/s you do it, it's a matter of being a good parent O0 Well i've had my say
It's not always a case of parents not giving a flying**** about their kids, or not bringing them up properly.
Its the same here really :( We have garages behind us and things have been set on fire right by our gate. I worry about our animals that's why we have locks now just to make it that little bit harder. We also have a garage that I would love to use for my piggies but its to far away from the house with doors that open onto the garages so there is no way I would risk it. Its terrible that we should have to live this way ! :tickedoff:
It's not always a case of parents not giving a flying**** about their kids, or not bringing them up properly.

i know Bev its just as likely they are mixing with kids that are dragged up by parents who dont care though, despite some parents doing their best other parents dont and it causes the good kids to go wrong just like my son with his cow of a wife shes from a bad family and Ryans got in deep with them all, now hes out of control and a real idiot, I feel I wasted years of stress with him just for her and them to ruin it all, fingers crossed he along with others see the right way of behaving in life now a days
grrrr, this makes me so mad! I wrote to the local newspaper where I used to live when the courtesy car I had from a garage while mine was being repaired got trashed outside my flat - little turds were on the roof kicking the electric mirrors off. I was not well off financially and was liable for the damage.

I was so mad I wrote a really snotty letter to the paper asking if these kids thought it would be Ok for me to walk onto their parents' property and smash their cars up. I also reported it to the police and told them I would give the little sh*ts a good hiding if I caught them again, only to be told I could be done for assault - the country has gone mad. Nat nat is right - its too easy to stay on the dole and not give a cr*p what your kids are doing.

I don't see the point in having kids if you're not going to be bothered with them. I know it sounds a stupid small thing but when they did that to the car I felt so useless and so upset and worried about the money it would cost.

I honestly believe things went into decline when corporal punishment was banned at schools - kids knew then that they could do what they wanted and no teacher or other adult could reprimand them. I was in school when this change happened and witnessed the shift in attitude - no more respect for teachers, adults, anyone. And whats all this b&*llocks about ther naughty step? I don't care what Supernanny says, you can't reason with a naughty kid.
Micks been on edge all night watching the little sods ,as he use to be a police officer its a hard thing to ignore for him ,
[NatNat said:
Thankyou for crushing my dreams baby-wilson. I want to move! ;D
Kids set fire to everything. They are destructive and they swear and ruin communities.
The parents work or on the doll and couldnt give a sh*t about them.
They get money off the conucil to afford to live in fancy estates that are quickly turned to bad areas.
They copy off their parents with swearing and trashing stuff, which is passed along the group of them.
They get a thrill from demoshling anything they can without getting caught.
Its really awful, to be living and growing up in such an enviorment, but its the 21st Century.

;D ;D sorry nat... ::)
michellemuffin said:
tonight about 6pm a fire engine turned up across the road from us apparently stupid kids had set fire to Oscars hedging with hair spray it was well alight and risked his whole place going up poor man is in hospital with a bad knee the op went wrong his poor wife at home was on crutches , these bratts come from a new housing estate built behind us and they have no reason to come where we all live as it goes no where ,but no the little :tickedoff:( dont want to swear )but am so very pissed off as I am now worried about my pigs sheds in my garden along the back fence well the boys shed is , if it wasn't for the kids school being nearby I'd def move out to the country, why cannot the parents of these bratts control them I'm phoning the council tomorrow to complain about the estate, I am well pissed off believe me :tickedoff: :tickedoff: mIck said not to start on the little darlings but sorry if one goes near my garden he will be put very much in the picture whats coming his way, :tickedoff:

If the police are made aware they may make an effort to patrol that area more. You need to tell them, it doesn't always follow that they know, even thought the fire service came out . . . also tell the council as you said, make yourself a nuisance by keep phoning to ask what they're doing, sometimes thats the only way to get anywhere.

I'd be mad as well, the little s..s. Hope you and your piggies stay safe, good luck hun xx
the police did turn up thank goodness but as Mick use to be a police officer and is well known he would have just called the local station anyway if they hadn't turned up, poor Oscar he does his garden every year really beutifully and has won many comps he also does chrsitmas lights like you would never believe and hes in hospital with a gammy knee along with his wife on crutches for bad leg as well ,how nasty can you get , :tickedoff:
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