Daily Veggies


Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 29, 2017
Reaction score
Blackpool, Lancashire
Hi everyone,

I've come to realise I should of been feeding my pigs kale every day (bad mummy). So decided to keep the pigs off veggies for a day or two as a precaution, don't want upset tummies

So my question is.. what greans can I feed them daily that won't upset their tummies,..

also I've seen that they can have romaine lettuce, is this true (Isnt lettuce poisonous?)

I would really appreciate all advice 😃🙏
Daily red bell pepper slices. Green bell pepper,( red one high in vit c, romaine is good, round lettuce too. Cucumber is fine for everday

Feed kale or spinach maybe twice a week as its high in calcium which can cause bladder stones. They both can cause bloat too. Also avoid feed carrot everyday

Try buying a water filter for your pigs. Helps keep the calcium down. But dont cut it out altogether.

Lettuce isnt poisinous . Its just iceberg lettuce can cause diarhea. It has no nutritional value. So dont bother with this. Theres loads of lettuces guinea pigs can have, but try do some research as i dont know all of which ones are not good to feed everday. There is a food chart on this forum.

I have rushed this reply so someone might tell you some more accurate clearer info. I thought id just get you started.
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My Finn and Lara eat lettuce, parsley, cilantro, basil, cucumber, grass, dandelion, and celery everyday.
A couple of times a week, they eat kale, carrot, apple, blueberry, and other fruits in rotation.

Mine get endless supply of hay, and some pellets daily.
My piggies have spring greens on weekdays and kale at the weekend :nod:
Me to - a small portion of spring green, kale - or any other brassica is OK to give daily . The thread piggieminder has posted above has a picture of recommended portion sizes - plus a list of veggies that can be given daily .
Mine love spring greens, dill, coriander, cucumber, carrot peelings, parsnip peelings, bell peppers, tomatoes (occasionally), melon rind (treats so not that often), aubergine, cauliflower leaf, broccoli stalk, celery and lettuce. Remember to introduce new veg a bit at a time so as not to give them runny tummies.
Daily mine get lettuce, bell pepper, coriander, cucumber. I will add in (in rotation and not always in large quantities if they are high calcium foods) baby corn, green beans, spinach, rocket, spring greens, carrot, basil, parsley, dill, kale, parsnip, celery, broccoli
Daily greens you can give: celery leaves, spring greens (if they’ll touch them mine don’t), lettuce -any type except iceberg.
Kale shouldn’t be given daily due to high calcium even though it’s a good vit c source, if you wet/wash it then give it to them like this I think it helps, then keep an eye out for white pee and/or bladder sludge.
Thank you everyone for your replies, all your advice will definitely help. Going to the supermarket at the weekend so will stock up and try the piggies with some new veggies 😃 Thank you again X

So, filtering the water.. how would I do this? I have a water jug filter that I personally use, would this be okay?
Thank you everyone for your replies, all your advice will definitely help. Going to the supermarket at the weekend so will stock up and try the piggies with some new veggies 😃 Thank you again X

So, filtering the water.. how would I do this? I have a water jug filter that I personally use, would this be okay?
Yes just use that, is it a catridge one?
How often can they have cherry tomatoes, as my youngest Barney absolutely loves them, and I don't wanna give them too often is there not supposed to
How often can they have cherry tomatoes, as my youngest Barney absolutely loves them, and I don't wanna give them too often is there not supposed to
Probably once a week, mine love them. Too many can start mouth or lip sores and they are high sugar i believe
Probably once a week, mine love them. Too many can start mouth or lip sores and they are high sugar i believe
I would also apply the same to carrot pieces, they love them but too high in sugar and vit A so not that good for them. You could try salad leaves with beetroot in it (finely grated). They go down a treat.