Daily Veg


New Born Pup
Oct 31, 2022
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Hi, I was wondering is there an alternative substitute to bell pepper for vit c that I can use frequently?

Also can I feed zuchinni daily? I saw from a youtube video saying that it can be feed 6-7 times a week.

I was also wondering for leafy greens besides romaine and green collar is there anything that I can feed frequently like 4-7 times a week?
I think that coriander can be fed regularly, as for vitamin c you can buy a supplement to put in their water. But I've only needed to provide capsicum and grass for my piggies source of vit c.
Any veg contains vit c (but some in higher amounts than others) so with a mix of veg along with hay and a limited amounts of pellets they will get all the vit c they need.

Coriander/cilantro is a high vit c veg which is safe to be fed daily.
Lettuce is the main safe daily leaf that you can feed.

A lot of the high vit c veg are also high calcium which makes them unsuitable for daily feeding - such as kale, parsley, spinach. You can feed one of these once a week thiugh

Most piggies don’t like zucchini - if you’ve got one who does then they can have it a couple of times a week. It’s low vit c though.

Edible And Forbidden Veg And Fruit List With Vitamin C Grading

Please don’t ever put vit c supplements (or anything) in their drinking water. It changes the way the water tastes and can cause them stop drinking. It also encourages algae to grow.

A piggy with a good variety of veg and balanced diet will never need any kind of supplementation.

All About Drinking And Bottles
My boys get romaine lettuce daily. The boys have been enjoying blueberries for several days, and I purchased fresh cucumber to give to them yesterday. I mix variety of veggies while keeping romaine lettuce as their daily meal.
Thank you guys! I’m not thinking of feeding them any supplement just wanted some veggie list recommendations to rotate around. As of current I usually feed daily

- bell pepper
- lettuce (most usually romaine, sometimes butterhead)
- zuchinni (is it okay to feed it this often?)
- cilantro/coriander

With 2/3 small portions of other veg that I rotate. My piggies drinks a good amount of water si I don’t feed them cucumber a lot just on days I have them.
Inch of collard/spring greens twice a week is okay.it has calcium in but the least of the brassica family.it has trace elements,and higher vitamin c.
Piggies and buns has given you some good links.
Hello Kancil I feed

bell pepper
romaine or gem lettuce
green bean daily

coriander is fed everyday at bedtime …..I know spoilt pigs 🤭
- zuchinni (is it okay to feed it this often?)

I recall threads from the past and I think the general consensus with most owners is that their piggies despise zucchini/courgette.
So as far as I know it’s ok to feed it daily - but because most won’t eat it, I’m not sure if anybody on here who does feed it at all, never mind daily!
Bell pepper was the first thing I tried to feed my boys, literally everywhere on the internet says guinea pigs love it but they've never eaten it once! Complete rejection 😅
So as far as I know it’s ok to feed it daily - but because most won’t eat it, I’m not sure if anybody on here who does feed it at all, never mind daily!
Thank you for the information. Weirdly enough my piggies love zuchinni to death. They would eat it first out of all the veggies I give.