Daily Routines?

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Well, my pigs tend to wake me up at about 7:30am for breakfast, so thats when i give them their portion of nuggets for the day, unless I'm up earlier, the pigs just get fed whenever the first person gets up but it tends to be about half 7 and if it's my day off thats when the bar chewing tends to start because they panic that they may actually have to wait for their breakfast (God forbid!)

The pigs usually go back to sleep then till about 11am then they hop about for a little bit playing and generally being nuggets, before eating some more hay, having a few sips of water before back to bed again! This tends to just carry on throughout the day, sleep, eat poop repeat! When i get home from work usually around 7pm, they often get a little treat from their stash or sometimes some veg thats been put to the side from dinner prep.

Then the next meal for them is dinner, which is between 10pm and 11pm, it's quite late, but it's the only time we know we'll always be home to feed them at, and they're so fussy with their schedule! So some time in the late evening dinner is served and then it's bed time ready for the cycle to start again.

Then hay and water filling tends to just happen at some point in the day, i either get my other half to do it while i'm at work or sometimes i fill it when i get home from work, there really isn't a set time, the hay tends to just get done when it's empty.
Mine get pellets last thing at night and first thing in the morning - they usually start wheeking for it at 7am and they literally won't stop until I've got up and fed them lol, thats the downside about keeping them in my room - no chance of ever having lie in! They get veggies at about 7 in evening when I'm home from work.
Guinea pigs tend to be most active in the morning and the later afternoon/evening; these are their main foraging/eating times. In between, they will mainly digest/sleep or quietly munch on hay. Guinea pigs can also be active once or twice during the night; youngsters are liable to be noisier and more energetic than adults.

However, guinea pigs are pretty adapatable when it comes to fitting their daily routine to yours.
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