Daily Routine?

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Mar 3, 2016
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hi everyone I am always panicking my routine is not okay or not good enough so below I will show mine and if you could comment yours that would mean a lot xx (by the way I have 1 cage of 4 boars and one cage of 4 sows each in a 2x6 c&c cage in my room)
7am wake up
7:15am get up and get dressed
8am spot clean pigs, feed new hay, give fresh pellets
8:20am leave for work
5:30/6pm get home and get changed
6:30pm feed veggies and spend some time with the pigs hand feeding them the veg and giving strokes few an hour or so
9pm spot clean cages, take out uneaten veg, check water so its ready for tomorrow give pigs there nightly treat
9:15pm lights out
10pm bed time

is this okay? what is your routine ?
spot clean and feed fresh hay/pellets in the morning, I also give them veggies.
they are alone til after work then teatime is, in the evening I spot clean again and they either go outside for a bit or in indoor run, then usually on our knees for a bit.
Then more veggies.
Before I go to bed, I usually givethem one last spot clean.
I wake up between 530-630. Spot clean cage. Refill hay in hay rack and replace hay in hay trays. Wash out and refill water bottle. They get a cup of fresh veggies (2pigs) which usually includes red pepper, red leaf lettuce, parsley, once in a while cucumber and sometimes carrot, apple, kale as a treat. Then after work between 6-730 They get hay refilled in rack and trays and another cup of fresh veggies.Spot clean again and get them out for floor time and lap time. Around 10-11 pm I give them each a small bowl with pellets only enough to fill the bottom and make sure they still have plenty of hay.
I do everything in the evening once I'm home from work... don't have enough time before I go as its over an hour drive where I work... I leave next week and don't have a job to go to yet but that's a completely different story.... as soon as I get home from work I spend time with all of them.. depending on the weather depends whether that's inside our outside... during this time I change the potties for the rabbits and shake off the poo from the piggies fleece, I get 2days off a week and its on these days that full cleans take place. Always feed on an evening if I work a late night I pass the duties to my hubby and children...
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