Daily Routine In Detail

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Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 3, 2016
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Can you tell me your daily routine in detail please? Like when you say spot clean what does that entail? When you refresh hay in hay bag/tray in the morning and evening do you pull out all the hay left in there and give all new? Do you empty out all old pellets every morning and completely refresh?
We do fresh veggies morning and breakfast. Will also remove out old hay then as well and put new in, occasionally if the hay from morning still seems fresh I will put the new hay on top instead of removing it fully. We always remove old pellets too, you get used to the amount of pellets to put in at a time over time....
As for spot cleaning when we used fleece, we spot cleaned morning and night with Miss Moo and quickly picked out the old poop. We woodshavings we rarely spot clean, our cage is huge also for three of them so luckily doesn't get overly messy
I have two young (8 weeks) female guinea pigs housed on fleece.
When I wake up I say good morning to them, take out their pellet bowl, and pick up any poops I see on the fleece (they hardly poop on the fleece so it's not a lot). I also shake off/change the fleece under their hidey house and under the hidey house that has their pellet bowl in it. The one where the pellet bowl is gets covered in pellet crumbs so I shake it off and then turn it over so they get the clean side. Every 2-3 days I swap it for a clean one . The one under their main hidey sometimes has a fair number of poops on it so I shake those off (into a bin) and then to turn it around and put back. Also gets changed for a new one roughly every 3 days (if it feels in any way wet or just looks dirty it gets changed sooner).
Then I get their morning veg ready (usually lettuce, cucumber, bell pepper, green beans, sometimes a tomato or carrot) and give them that.
Then I realise I forgot the hay box so I pull out the liner (either fleece or towel - I'm still experimenting), folding it in half as I pull so all the poos and soiled hay stays inside. Then I put a clean one in, and pull out some of the hay from the bottom of the wall mounted hay box to cover the liner. Then I top up the wall mounted box with fresh hay.
I tend to change their water every 1.5 days though this should probably technically be done at the same time as all the other morning jobs.

Then I go to work and leave the radio on for them.

When I get home at about 5:30 I go say hello again and pick up any poops I see. I also check inside both hideys to make sure they're still fairly clean/tidy, and shake out the liners under those if needed.
Then I go collect 'forage' out my garden (chickweed, plantain, dandelion leaves, clover, wood sorrel, spinach/kale, carrot greens, fennel greens, celery greens etc - an assortment) and give them that. If their hay is mostly gone I top that up. If their pellets are finished I give more (I give 2tbsp twice a day).

Then after my son finally falls asleep (between 9 and 10pm) I give them wheat grass which they are mad about
Sometimes I cut some into a bowl for them, sometimes I give them the tray to pick their own.

I check the hay again before bedtime and top up of needed.

Once a week (Saturdays) I change the main cage liner (I would do it twice a week of they soiled more but they do 90% of their toilet stuff in the hay box), and I also clean out the hay box fully, cleaning it with vinegar water and adding all new hay. I might clean out all hay and add all fresh mid-week too if I feel its needed.
I weigh them on Sundays and sometimes Wednesdays too (just out of curiosity LoL)
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I have 9 piggies in 2 stacked 2x9 c&c cages. I have 3 boars in the top cage and 5 sows and 1 neutered boar on the bottom.
Every morning I go in and Hoover the liners, top up hay racks, give them their pellets (1/8 of cup per pig), either turn over or swap out pee pads in corners and in hidys, empty hay boxes, wipe down, and fill again, and change water. Then at lunch time I take them up half their veg and give the liners a quick Hoover. Then after dinner i take up the rest of their veg, Hoover again, and put a little more hay in their hay boxes for them to play in.
The top cage with 3 boys gets liners changed every 6 days. The bottom cage gets changed every 3 days. They all do a lot of their pee's in the hay box or in the corners on the pee pads which helps keep the main liners cleaner :) X
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