Daily Enrichment


Forum Donator 2024/25
Oct 2, 2019
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NE Scotland
What else can I do for daily enrichment?

My boys live in a hutch, in my garage. I have a run which is about 2x4-5 in C&C sizes which is attached from their hutch from morning to evening, depends on what time I wake up really. They get a different layout in there each day, with things to run through, sleep on and a couple different places with hay.
As it is quite quiet in a garage, compared to the hustle and bustle of a house, and the fact I have quite a busy life so don't have loads of time to just sit with them, I often worry that they are bored/sad with their living situation. My life has gotten much quieter recently and I have more time to sit with them if I wanted to, but being honest with my Mental Illness and everything else going on I find it hard to spend ages just sitting on the cold concrete floor {they are raised off it), which is certainly more of a personal issue and I hope that doesn't make me a bad person but I do try my best.

So a couple times a day I will go out and check on them, maybe give them a little treat or sit with them for a bit and talk about my day, but that's really all I do. When I get up in the morning (before the run is attached) I will speak to them and clean out their cage a bit, and sometimes bring them in for a cuddle/weigh in/snack. And then the same in the evening, remove run and clean all that down, fresh hay and a talk and sometimes a cuddle/sit on my lap and eat their dinner. It all depends on the day/what I have planned and how I think they seem in themselves.
I would not say they live a bad life, but no matter how hard I try I always feel like it is never enough. My boys popcorn each morning when their run goes out and they are never shy to run about in their hutch, but I cant help but feel it must be a bit stagnant in a quite garage for 24 hours a day, even with the run I imagine once the excitement of the new layout wears off, it is a bit dull. They love willow items so they always have a tunnel to chew on.

I also handle my pigs at least once a day, whether that's to sit on my lap for dinner or grooming or just cuddles, which I was quite okay with but I have learned that a lot of longstanding members of the forum don't, and that's made me a bit embarrassed/uncomfortable with my routine. Please see my post in this thread for more details - Is it wrong to not handle your Guinea pigs?
So I am thinking I may have to stop handling them as much, because I do "look up" to many of the members here and if they do not do such then I feel a bit cruel in doing so, even if I know I am doing it safely and with my piggies interests at heart always.

So yes, what I am wondering is if there is anything more I could be doing. Thanks.
You are doing a brilliant job for them. Honestly! You are providing them with a clean, loving place to live. Lovely nutritious food, lots of hay etc. And don’t forget, the two of them have each other, that is the best form of enrichment.
Dont change the way you do things if you and your piggies are happy with it, you’re doing absolutely fine!

For those of us who don’t handle for purely cuddle purposes, it’s because we know our piggies don’t like it and keep handling to the essential reasons so as to not stress them out. Things may change - I know for me, Dex and Pops are both much calmer when being handled now they are older, I can certainly do more with them. Hugo is totally on the other end - I can do the essentials with him but he would chew me to pieces if I were to try to just sit and cuddle him, he would be stressed and I’d be injured, neither of us would enjoy it. He may also chill out as he ages and things may change with him also. Wilbur is actually the only one of my boys who will sit and let me stroke him but only if he has all four feet comfortably on the ground in his territory where he feels safe.
I wouldn't change my routine if I were you. If it works out for your piggies and yourself that's great.
And yes, we should always try to stress our piggies as little as possible, but life without a bit of stress is also very boooring.

I don't cuddle my piggies as much as I did many years ago, but I don't have the time nowadays. And I still try to give them a little cuddle every other day. Just for as long as they like (not long in most cases).
I always felt that it's important to give them a little quiet time in direct contact without any poking or checking around if everything is okay.

Some piggies will never like being held, but others do enjoy the occasional cuddle.
When Odi first moved in, he hadn't been handled at all. He was 2.5 years old and a wild creature showing a lot of anxiety aggression.
Now nearly 3 years onward, my vet is able to do concious dentals. He relaxes completely in my arms, takes food in any situation. I would never have been able to help him with his teeth problems the way I can today 3 years ago. He would have freaked out completely.

As long as you don't push your piggies to cuddle for a long time while they are in a freeze hoping to survive the situation, always have an eye on how they are feeling and give them enough patience and TLC, you're on a good way.
A little bit of training has never hurt any piggy if it's done in the right way.
It sounds like you are doing a great job! In all honesty being in a quiet garage is much better for them than being in the hustle and bustle of a busy house, as small prey animals they need to feel safe and being in a noisy, busy environment can be stressful for piggies.
If you enjoy daily cuddles with them that is absolutely fine and like you say it depends on how you think they are feeling in themselves, which shows you are respecting them and giving them a say in things, which is the best way to help build a bond.
It sounds like they have plenty of enrichment. Things that seem small to us can be very significant to them, a hidey, a tunnel, a treat. In fact they don't need a constant supply of new stimulation, they like to check something out and make sure it is safe and then go about their day, meaning once the initial excitement of something new has worn off and they go quiet, they are not bored, merely relaxed. Feelings of safety and familiarity are also enriching for them.
We all do things a bit differently to each other. I feed mine carrots more often than is recommended on here :yikes:
If your boys are happy being handled and groomed don't stop doing it, it's great that you can interact with the in that way. If your house us noisy and busy then they are better in the garage. Wold you feel better about them being in the garage if you were more comfortable there?Maybe you have a chair in the garage and sit with them sometimes, perhaps reading a book, on the internet or just watching them in the run?
I absolutely agree about being in a quiet environment. . Mine live in my shed. I’m always out with them and take as much care of them as I would do if they if they lived indoors and they aren’t exposed ti my noisy and busy house and live perfectly happily in their own (custom built) space.
I quite think I’d like to move out there when my two teenagers are kicking off and door slamming!

We all do things a bit differently to each other. I feed mine carrots more often than is recommended on here :yikes:

I feed a lot more veg in general than is recommended
If its working for you and your piggies don't change it. You are a great owner who understands their needs. If you feel the need to sit with them and don't want to sit on a chair, put an old blanket on the floor of the garage and sit on that. It really makes a difference (believe me, I know!). My piggies are out in the garage too and they like it in there. Its nice and quiet for a start. They like the quiet life. I check on them frequently throughout the day. They have time share in the run, Thea one day then Misty and Bramble the next. Thea lives in the Penthouse Suite of Betsy Towers,The Garage while Misty and Bramble live in the Cage On The Table, Nr Betsy Towers, The Garage. I did try to bond them but Old Gal Thea was having none of it.
Thank you all so much for your replies, genuinely. I really struggle with feeling like i’m not doing well by my boys, and even though it isn't needed it does feel nice to hear that I am doing good by them from an outside perspective.

As for our ‘cuddles’, I do feel it works for us. For example I know my baby boy doesn’t like his body being stroked, so I just don’t. Most of their inside time consists of them being sat on my lap, eating away at their veggies. I am also aware that my younger boy is nervous, so although I am trying to help/train him to feel more comfortable, the towel they are on is always there to give them some cover if they need.
I do think this has helped us build a connection, they will climb onto my hand/arm to carry them and they know I will keep them safe. They also sit nice for grooming/nail clipping and weighings which is definitely a bonus. We all do things differently and I think I need to keep that in mind.

For the garage I think I will need to set up a little area for myself, that’s a great idea, as I do strongly agree with others in the thread I attached. Watching them live their little lives and interacting with each other is the most rewarding thing.

Thanks again, I really appreciate you all taking the time to reply and share your own experiences.