Daily Dose Of Pigs

Hannah Nicole

Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 14, 2017
Reaction score
I have had a bad couple days and so to help me I have decided to post at least one picture a day of my piggies being cute or something
Your pigs are lovely!
I have had not the best day I think I failed both of my exams but it's getting better now that I get to see all these beautiful piggies

Sometimes we place all our hopes on one path and are disappointed when that path gets blocked from things like failing exams etc but usually that disappointment can lead to a new path that is better than the first. You just have to keep an open mind and be determined. Pass or fail your whole life does not hinge on this one moment. And piggies help hahaha That's my motivational discourse ended now (takes a bow and walks off stage) lol Hugs to you
678C03C7-B148-4D55-84DF-8358B0FBC00A.webp Sending you positive vibes from a very laid back Cocoa who got to the hay before her 2 girly friends did earlier today xx
Today Gibbs and Sam we're having floor time in a caged off area and he jumped out of it while I while I was wrapping presents and I took out purple paint because I was planning to paint snow flakes on the presents Gibbs walked right through the paint and on to a present and now I have some painted pig presents

