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Cystoscopy and Spay for my 4 year old girl


New Born Pup
Feb 2, 2024
Reaction score
Gloucester, UK
I have a four year old female guinea pig named Louise, over the last few days she has not been herself and has been squeezing and hunching over while urinating. She is otherwise eating and drinking absolutely fine. We took her to the vets today and they have discovered a bladder stone and ovarian cysts (just had to get our other 4.5 year old pig named Shelley spayed two weeks ago due to cysts😭). We now have been told to start her on Baytril to reduce infection and inflammation as well as pain relief until the middle of next week where she can be reassessed. They have said there’s a possibility of a cystoscopy and then a spay a month or two later for the cysts.
The vet we saw today is part of an exotic vets but isn’t our usual vet, but I am booking the follow up with him as the vet we saw today even said that he is the expert when it comes to guinea pigs and she had to ask his advice on what treatment possibilities there are.
I am so upset and was just wondering if anyone else has experienced anything similar and whether she will be able to cope with two surgeries? I also wondered how much the cystoscopy tends to cost? I can’t pretend I’m not at all worried about the financial implications, especially as our vets doesn’t seem to offer payment plans.

Thank you for any advice in advance ☺️
I had to look up cystoscopy but I'm still not sure exactly whether that means they can remove the stone without cutting in.
I've had a pig with bladder stone before, he had two surgeries for that but a year apart. But they cut in to the bladder each time, the stones were quite large so they had to. Scar tissue* is unavoidable with that, so if a stone can be removed without cutting in then that's a much better option.
Vet costs are frighteningly high aren't they? They may not advertise a payment plan but it would be worth asking if they would consider it.
I think it would be of benefit to you to ask to speak to the piggy expert vet about all of this, and see what he says. Explain your concerns and ask him to talk you through it all. I did have a pig once who had to have two dentals under anaesthetic, within a month, and she was older than your girl.

* just to add, the third time he got a stone, it had adhered to the scar tissue from previous surgeries, so it couldn't be removed. That's why it would be good to avoid getting any scars in the bladder, if possible.
I had to look up cystoscopy but I'm still not sure exactly whether that means they can remove the stone without cutting in.
I've had a pig with bladder stone before, he had two surgeries for that but a year apart. But they cut in to the bladder each time, the stones were quite large so they had to. Scar tissue* is unavoidable with that, so if a stone can be removed without cutting in then that's a much better option.
Vet costs are frighteningly high aren't they? They may not advertise a payment plan but it would be worth asking if they would consider it.
I think it would be of benefit to you to ask to speak to the piggy expert vet about all of this, and see what he says. Explain your concerns and ask him to talk you through it all. I did have a pig once who had to have two dentals under anaesthetic, within a month, and she was older than your girl.

* just to add, the third time he got a stone, it had adhered to the scar tissue from previous surgeries, so it couldn't be removed. That's why it would be good to avoid getting any scars in the bladder, if possible.
Thanks for your reply, it’s all really useful information. I’m reassured that your older pigger was able to have two anaesthetic procedures in a short space of time.

I meant to write cystostomy 😆, which I think is the name of the usual bladder stone surgery.

Just out of interest, roughly how much did the bladder stone surgeries cost? Just trying to get myself equipped and prepared, haha! I will definitely speak to them about whether a payment plan is a possibility. 🙂
I think the surgeries were about £350 each but that was some years ago. I'd imagine they'd be more now. Everything is more now.
I have two pigs with uneven teeth atm and I was quoted £600 per pig to sort that out under anaesthetic, recently.

The bladder stone pig was nicknamed 'The Most Expensive Guinea Pig In The World' after his second time around!
I think the surgeries were about £350 each but that was some years ago. I'd imagine they'd be more now. Everything is more now.
I have two pigs with uneven teeth atm and I was quoted £600 per pig to sort that out under anaesthetic, recently.

The bladder stone pig was nicknamed 'The Most Expensive Guinea Pig In The World' after his second time around!
Ahh I see, yes, everything is very expensive these days! What happened to him after not being able to have the third surgery, was it then just palliative and keeping him comfortable?

Yes, I always thought I had properly prepared for guinea pigs, but never properly prepared for the cost when they are poorly! But you do everything you can for the little fluffy potatoes that you love 😅. So we will manage somehow 🙂
He had to be pts there & then as there was quite a lot of blood. She thought the stone was stuck to the bladder wall (from the x-rays) and could have torn the bladder, hence all the blood. No choice but to let him go.
One of our Guinea pigs, Billy had bladder stone surgery in November the cost was about £650. This was including antibiotics for 10days after, but not pain relief which we already had at home. Unfortunately he began to sqeak when toileting again at Christmas time, and after a quality of life discussion with the vet- we had a doubtful week, followed by a happy week- when we thought everything was going well- but unfortunately Billy suddenly passed a lot of blood & we had to have him pts.

Wishing your girl all the best.
One of our Guinea pigs, Billy had bladder stone surgery in November the cost was about £650. This was including antibiotics for 10days after, but not pain relief which we already had at home. Unfortunately he began to sqeak when toileting again at Christmas time, and after a quality of life discussion with the vet- we had a doubtful week, followed by a happy week- when we thought everything was going well- but unfortunately Billy suddenly passed a lot of blood & we had to have him pts.

Wishing your girl all the best.
Thank you! Fingers crossed it’s somewhere in this region, the spay we had on our other guinea pig was around £290 in the end so £650 sounds reasonable.
I am so sorry to hear that, that must have been tough, I am so worried as I am hearing a lot of negative stories regarding bladder stone removal and it seems a lot for her paired with the ovarian cysts.
I have a four year old female guinea pig named Louise, over the last few days she has not been herself and has been squeezing and hunching over while urinating. She is otherwise eating and drinking absolutely fine. We took her to the vets today and they have discovered a bladder stone and ovarian cysts (just had to get our other 4.5 year old pig named Shelley spayed two weeks ago due to cysts😭). We now have been told to start her on Baytril to reduce infection and inflammation as well as pain relief until the middle of next week where she can be reassessed. They have said there’s a possibility of a cystoscopy and then a spay a month or two later for the cysts.
The vet we saw today is part of an exotic vets but isn’t our usual vet, but I am booking the follow up with him as the vet we saw today even said that he is the expert when it comes to guinea pigs and she had to ask his advice on what treatment possibilities there are.
I am so upset and was just wondering if anyone else has experienced anything similar and whether she will be able to cope with two surgeries? I also wondered how much the cystoscopy tends to cost? I can’t pretend I’m not at all worried about the financial implications, especially as our vets doesn’t seem to offer payment plans.

Thank you for any advice in advance ☺️

I had to look up cystoscopy but I'm still not sure exactly whether that means they can remove the stone without cutting in.
I've had a pig with bladder stone before, he had two surgeries for that but a year apart. But they cut in to the bladder each time, the stones were quite large so they had to. Scar tissue* is unavoidable with that, so if a stone can be removed without cutting in then that's a much better option.
Vet costs are frighteningly high aren't they? They may not advertise a payment plan but it would be worth asking if they would consider it.
I think it would be of benefit to you to ask to speak to the piggy expert vet about all of this, and see what he says. Explain your concerns and ask him to talk you through it all. I did have a pig once who had to have two dentals under anaesthetic, within a month, and she was older than your girl.

* just to add, the third time he got a stone, it had adhered to the scar tissue from previous surgeries, so it couldn't be removed. That's why it would be good to avoid getting any scars in the bladder, if possible.


I am very sorry about the bad news. Cysto-scopy is just having a look into the bladder; you can google the meaning or ask the clinic for clarification.