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Teenage Guinea Pig
Jun 8, 2021
Reaction score
Nancy has been prescribed half a tablet of cystease. I couldn't pull it apart so I ended up trying to cut it with scissors and one half flew across the kitchen oops! Is there a better way please? I tried to feed it on a piece of veg but she turned her nose up at it and as she has a missing tooth she is find vegetables hard. I think I will have to syringe it in, not sure how much water to mix it with?
Nancy has been prescribed half a tablet of cystease. I couldn't pull it apart so I ended up trying to cut it with scissors and one half flew across the kitchen oops! Is there a better way please? I tried to feed it on a piece of veg but she turned her nose up at it and as she has a missing tooth she is find vegetables hard. I think I will have to syringe it in, not sure how much water to mix it with?


Mix the powder of the full capsule with 2 ml of water, shake well and wait until the powder has dissolved (shake again if needed before use). Then syringe 1 ml of the mix and put the other half in the fridge; shake well before use and if needed add a very little more water if the the mix has gone a bit too gloopy for easy syringing and syringe on the following day.

Mix the powder of the full capsule with 2 ml of water, shake well and wait until the powder has dissolved (shake again if needed before use). Then syringe 1 ml of the mix and put the other half in the fridge; shake well before use and if needed add a very little more water and syringe on the following day.
Thank you. So I still need to try and open it before putting it the water?
Larry and Eric used to have Cystease but that was the capsules that I could just open and empty the powder out.
When cutting tiny tablets you could try putting them in a sandwich bag first so they don't go pinging off everywhere 😂
I used to then crush them gently with the end of a rolling pin and mix with water, I just used to mix with 1ml of water 😊

EDIT: cross posted with @Wiebke, are you sure they're tablets and not the capsules that you can just pull open?
Thank you. So I still need to try and open it before putting it the water?

Yes, the plastic of the capsule will turn into a soggy mess if you don't open the capsule and empty just the powder inside into the little mixing bottle and then add the water.
Larry and Eric used to have Cystease but that was the capsules that I could jus open and empty the powder out.
When cutting tiny tablets you could try putting them in a sandwich bag first so they don't go pinging off everywhere 😂
I used to then crush them gently with the end of a rolling pin and mix with water, I just used to mix with 1ml of water 😊
They are capsules but I couldn't get them open for some reason 😂. Kept trying to pull so then tried a knife and then resorted to scissors
Yes, the plastic of the capsule will turn into a soggy mess if you don't open the capsule and empty just the powder inside into the little mixing bottle and then add the water.
Thank you. I so appreciate all the advice.
I find with a difficult piggy mixing it with a bit of pro c helps, I think giving it a bit of taste helps.
Thank you. I had stopped giving pro c because I wasn't sure on the sugar content, as it has sugar in it.
I know, my vet doesn't like it being given all the time but says it's good when a piggie is ill. I guess if you are giving Cystease for life it maybe not a god idea but I only use a couple of grains twice a day, it's not like you are giving the full probiotic dose. I've got a piggy on Cystease at the moment for a few weeks. I'm not using pro c I just give it before his Metacam. He loves Metacam and knows it's coming so he takes the Cystease without too much argument!
I know, my vet doesn't like it being given all the time but says it's good when a piggie is ill. I guess if you are giving Cystease for life it maybe not a god idea but I only use a couple of grains twice a day, it's not like you are giving the full probiotic dose. I've got a piggy on Cystease at the moment for a few weeks. I'm not using pro c I just give it before his Metacam. He loves Metacam and knows it's coming so he takes the Cystease without too much argument!
Mine is really fighting me. She used to take metacam okay, but she remembers having antibiotics and is being stubborn. She is definitely not a fan of the cystease for sure. I'm hoping to get her to eat it on food later. But her tooth was knocked out when she was sedated for an x-ray so she's a bit slow on vegetable eating currently.
Your poor piggy. Brillo is having Gabapentiin, Cystease and Metacam in that order! He makes a face like he's sucking lemons when he has the Gabapentin so I think the ml of Cystease at least washes that away before the yummy Metacam. Brillo had Baytril and several other meds for 2 months at the end of last year so I think he's a bit resigned to taking syringes now.