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Cutting pills


Teenage Guinea Pig
Jun 8, 2021
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Has anyone had to cut a small tablet into 8? I can't do it? What do you do?

I'm thinking for now. I can cut it into 4. Put 2ml liquid in and then use 1ml today, and 1ml tomorrow. But after Friday she then has two days off which would make it uneven and I assume it would go off in the fridge by Monday.

My vet is off this week so no I can't ask.
Actually it's so tiny make that 1ml and 0.5ml at once. I've just dissolved it completely in 1ml
That does sound impossible, glad you found a solution. The most I've ever had to cut one was in half.
Don't know what to do about it on Friday mind. I don't want to waste any. The one tablet cost me £17 😱. I will ask the vet to give me more next time. The pigs meds are now costing me about £120 month 😬. Medication costs have absolutely shot up. I do buy my own syringes & cystease included in that though. Maybe I need to reuse syringes more.
Don't know what to do about it on Friday mind. I don't want to waste any. The one tablet cost me £17 😱. I will ask the vet to give me more next time. The pigs meds are now costing me about £120 month 😬. Medication costs have absolutely shot up. I do buy my own syringes & cystease included in that though. Maybe I need to reuse syringes more.
It's a shame you can't ask the vet. When my boars were on some tablets the vet ground down they were okay to keep for a month.
I buy syringes in bulk on line. The cystease is a lot cheaper on line than from my vet. I've got 2 on long term meds it is getting very expensive I agree. My boys Metacam has gone up by £12.90 in a month. You can buy prescription meds on line, some people find it cheaper but I found a only saved about £3. I think it depends on how much your vet charges for writing the prescription. Our vets charge over £30 now for the prescription and by the time I'd added in postage it wasn't worth the hassle. They are also on a human drug that isn't available on line so that means two prescriptions!
When I had piggies on medication and syringe feeds I bought a box of 100 1ml syringes. They last a long time and are much cheaper that way. It may help to keep the costs down for you.
Thank you. I do that but I need to be reusing syringes more.
It's a shame you can't ask the vet. When my boars were on some tablets the vet ground down they were okay to keep for a month.
I buy syringes in bulk on line. The cystease is a lot cheaper on line than from my vet. I've got 2 on long term meds it is getting very expensive I agree. My boys Metacam has gone up by £12.90 in a month. You can buy prescription meds on line, some people find it cheaper but I found a only saved about £3. I think it depends on how much your vet charges for writing the prescription. Our vets charge over £30 now for the prescription and by the time I'd added in postage it wasn't worth the hassle. They are also on a human drug that isn't available on line so that means two prescriptions

It's a shame you can't ask the vet. When my boars were on some tablets the vet ground down they were okay to keep for a month.
I buy syringes in bulk on line. The cystease is a lot cheaper on line than from my vet. I've got 2 on long term meds it is getting very expensive I agree. My boys Metacam has gone up by £12.90 in a month. You can buy prescription meds on line, some people find it cheaper but I found a only saved about £3. I think it depends on how much your vet charges for writing the prescription. Our vets charge over £30 now for the prescription and by the time I'd added in postage it wasn't worth the hassle. They are also on a human drug that isn't available on line so that means two prescriptions!
Did it come as a powder then or did they put liquid in it?

Yes, I'm giving out frusol & cystease to one pig. And then cystease, gabapentin, metacam and cerenia to the other.

Gabapentin and frusol you can't seem to get online anyway. The cystease I buy from Amazon.

The increase in cost is crazy isn't it! It was £56 for metacam & gabapentin just for one month when I picked it up last week and I was like 😱.
I had 2 on long term Metacam. I would reuse the syringes until I couldn't see the markings on the outside or they had too many bite marks on them. Obviously I washed them out between doses.
They gave it to me already mixed.
Yes it is the Gabapentin mine are on as well. 100ml of Metacam was £72.90 last month, due another bottle this week and we will get another £52 on top this time because Red is due his 6 month check up. With vet bills as they are I'm seriously thinking I am not going to be able to have any more piggies as these leave me.
They gave it to me already mixed.
Yes it is the Gabapentin mine are on as well. 100ml of Metacam was £72.90 last month, due another bottle this week and we will get another £52 on top this time because Red is due his 6 month check up. With vet bills as they are I'm seriously thinking I am not going to be able to have any more piggies as these leave me.
Is yours cerenia too or something else?
I found the cerenia didn't fully mix with the water, it's weird it's like not soluble. It would look dissolved but once in the syringe the powder would move to the bottom.

Ouch! Yes I am not getting more pigs. Had an awful run. The amount of surgeries and scans this year has been ridiculous. I believe I've spent more on the pigs than on myself this last year. Living without to be able to keep them alive 🤦
I had 2 on long term Metacam. I would reuse the syringes until I couldn't see the markings on the outside or they had too many bite marks on them. Obviously I washed them out between doses.
Yes they love biting metacam it's delicious. Pumpkin also thinks frusol is delicious and pulls at that.
I absolutely have spent more on the pigs than on myself!

It was Terbutaline when they had pneumonia. This wasn't very soluble either I had to shake the bottle well and make sure the bits were well distributed through the water so they were getting even doses.
I absolutely have spent more on the pigs than on myself!

It was Terbutaline when they had pneumonia. This wasn't very soluble either I had to shake the bottle well and make sure the bits were well distributed through the water so they were getting even doses.
It's hard isn't it. I admit to being awake at night recently having a panic attack over money. I'm not working as I've not been well so you can imagine my income.

Probably normal then for pills. I managed just was wary of dosing her wrong. I kept going up and down with the syringe etc as well as shaking it.
Your vet might be away, but is the practice still open? A vet nurse or vet pharmacist may be able to suggest how to split the pill into 8 doses.
Your vet might be away, but is the practice still open? A vet nurse or vet pharmacist may be able to suggest how to split the pill into 8 doses.
They didn't have any suggestions when I picked it up. But I did say I thought I would divide into 4 and then leave one dose for the next day which I've managed. Just not sure about leaving it in the fridge all weekend. It's five days on, two off.
If you piggy is on Metacam long term i would ask your vet for a larger bottle as this is usually more economic. It keeps for 6 months once is it open.