Cutting Nails

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 14, 2015
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I've cut my piggies' nails twice. One of them is always quiet and still, but the other always starts squirming and crying.
Today it was really hard, since was crying loud and squirming etc. I gave him lettuce, he was on my lap with a towel. I somehow managed to cut the nails on 3 of his legs, and with the last one, the last nail on that leg, while I was starting to clip it, he pulled it out of my clippers, he broke his nail. He didn't break it off, he more like chapped it? It's like a small crack through his nail and I saw a little bit of blood after that, just a tiny tiny bit. I put him back in his cage and now I'm nervous as hell.
He doesn't look like his in pain (he's having floor time with his brother, running around and getting hay everywhere :D), but I should clip his last nail. How? When? Does it hurt right now? Ugh :( I feel so bad
Is the nail still bleeding? When I just 'half clip' my pigs nails I try and go back and cut it in case it was to catch on fleece in the cage. But as the nail has bleeded I wouldn't be so sure to advise what I did. A health guru should be along soon :)
Don't feel bad, it's easily done! The 'quick' is a blood vessel in the nail, which is easily cut if the pig is wiggly or if you go too short. Running the toe under cool water or pinching it tight for a few moment will help to reduce the bleeding, or apply a haemostatic spray instead :) It can bleed like heck, but looks worse than it really is. It can be painful when it's done, but it soon wears off.
Your best bet when clipping is to get someone else to hold him, or wrap him securely in a towel or pillow case - make sure to hold the foot as close to the body as you can when clipping, as his natural reaction will be to yank it back to his body if it is outstretched! Nails grow very quickly, so you'll find the crack has worked it's way down soon and will be able to be clipped off! You might want to rub your finger along the nail and file any sharp bits by the crack, so it doesn't catch on his bedding etc.
If he isn't in pain when you touch his nail, you should be able to clip the tip off when he is calm again :)
Thank you for your replies :) It's not bleeding anymore, though he's still a bit cranky when I pick him up.
cut it in case it was to catch on fleece in the cage
When I was touching his nail, I didn't feel the crack (I can see it though), his nail is smooth, so I don't think it can catch on fleece.

Nails grow very quickly, so you'll find the crack has worked it's way down soon and will be able to be clipped off!
If he isn't in pain when you touch his nail, you should be able to clip the tip off when he is calm again :)
I think I'll wait for a few days and then clip it off, since the crack is somewhere in the middle of the quick right now and I don't want him to get hurt again. :)

Is nibbling normal when he's nervous? He tries to bite everything he can when I'm clipping his nails, it doesn't hurt me and I know I'm not hurting him, so I think it's just because he's really nervous?
Haha welcome to the wonderful world of pigs. I have different attitudes from mine - theres the nice and easy "sit still and it will soon be over", there's the "too petrified to move", there's the "squeal to hope the neighbours save me and occasionally kick out right before the cut" and finally the "fidget, nibble and bite at everything until the hooman gives in".

As for cutting the quick, it has happened far too often for my liking but as long as you keep an eye on them and keep them clean so there is no infection they will be fine. I usually coincide a nail clip with a change of bedding so everythings clean in the cage in case I do catch it.
Piggies can just nibble because they aren't happy about something such as nail clipping being done to them, too! :)
Piggies can just nibble because they aren't happy about something such as nail clipping being done to them, too! :)

Very true, my Jemima nibbles when she has lap time because she doesn't like being confined and isn't really a lap pig so she just wants to go back in the hutch and wreek havoc :))
theres the nice and easy "sit still and it will soon be over", there's the "too petrified to move", there's the "squeal to hope the neighbours save me and occasionally kick out right before the cut" and finally the "fidget, nibble and bite at everything until the hooman gives in".
Haha gotta love those piggies though :D

Thank you for your replies, I finally calmed down myself (which wasn't easy, since I just got them 2 months ago and I'm still a bit nervous about everything haha :D) and my piggies are sleeping in their house, so everything will be okay, I'll just wait for a couple of days, and then clip the last nail. :)
at least you have braved the nail clipping - i am still too scared.. they have been done at the vets but we need to brave it soon....x
at least you have braved the nail clipping - i am still too scared.. they have been done at the vets but we need to brave it soon....x
Actually the first time I did it I was so nervous I had to take a shower after (sorry for tmi :D), I was so scared. I still am. You can do it :)
I think for many slaves the terror of nail clipping remains! I've had my pigs little over two years and nail clipping always makes me feel anxious particularly after cutting a quick once.
I think for many slaves the terror of nail clipping remains! I've had my pigs little over two years and nail clipping always makes me feel anxious particularly after cutting a quick once.
Seems like we'll always be anxious cutting their nails, despite of how long we've had our piggies. :)
I defo
Actually the first time I did it I was so nervous I had to take a shower after (sorry for tmi :D), I was so scared. I still am. You can do it :)
I defo need to have a go... two adults & 2 kids should be enough
I'm braving this tomorrow... I'm so scared! Plus my Bella is very selfish and has one black foot, the only one out of 8 feet between the two of them! Very inconvenient, makes me more nervous not seeing the quick. I've read (and heard from other people) that if you cut the quick you can use plain flour to stop the bleeding and prevent infection, is that true? I have some baby nail clippers for the job as they're only just 12 weeks old. I've read all the info about clipping nails but it doesn't make me feel any more in control haha.
I'm braving this tomorrow... I'm so scared! Plus my Bella is very selfish and has one black foot, the only one out of 8 feet between the two of them! Very inconvenient, makes me more nervous not seeing the quick. I've read (and heard from other people) that if you cut the quick you can use plain flour to stop the bleeding and prevent infection, is that true? I have some baby nail clippers for the job as they're only just 12 weeks old. I've read all the info about clipping nails but it doesn't make me feel any more in control haha.
Oh, I know what you feel, both of my piggies have 2 black feet, so 4 black ones is scary haha. :D About the flour, I'm pretty sure it's true, everyone I've asked from has told me this, I've read about this a lot and my friend's vet told her the same thing, that if you don't have styptic powder, then plain flour or corn starch is okay too.
Oh, I know what you feel, both of my piggies have 2 black feet, so 4 black ones is scary haha. :D About the flour, I'm pretty sure it's true, everyone I've asked from has told me this, I've read about this a lot and my friend's vet told her the same thing, that if you don't have styptic powder, then plain flour or corn starch is okay too.

Thanks! I thought so but just wanted to make sure I'm not mistaken.

How are you with cutting the black nails? In theory the light shining and looking at the "seam" of the nail sounds fair enough but in practice with a wriggly (possibly bitey) piggie I don't see myself managing all that... XD
Thanks! I thought so but just wanted to make sure I'm not mistaken.

How are you with cutting the black nails? In theory the light shining and looking at the "seam" of the nail sounds fair enough but in practice with a wriggly (possibly bitey) piggie I don't see myself managing all that... XD
I get very nervous every time I do it, I'm usually the one who needs a break between every foot. :D I haven't even tried the light thing, just because both of my boys are wriggly, one of them also keeps biting me (and tries to bite the clippers also) :D, so I just try really hard to see where the quick is lol, usually I can still see it a bit, and if I'm still not sure I just cut off the end , like the very end (1-2mm maybe), that way I'm sure I won't cut in.
I get very nervous every time I do it, I'm usually the one who needs a break between every foot. :D I haven't even tried the light thing, just because both of my boys are wriggly, one of them also keeps biting me (and tries to bite the clippers also) :D, so I just try really hard to see where the quick is lol, usually I can still see it a bit, and if I'm still not sure I just cut off the end , like the very end (1-2mm maybe), that way I'm sure I won't cut in.

This is my first time, never had to cut any other beings nails and I'm clumsy so eek! I'm hoping to get my mum to hold one while I try to snip away. I don't really know how much to cut but I think the quick has grown quite a bit.

Once it's cut do you file the nail down a bit to make it smooth in case of scratching either you or the piggies companion?
This is my first time, never had to cut any other beings nails and I'm clumsy so eek! I'm hoping to get my mum to hold one while I try to snip away. I don't really know how much to cut but I think the quick has grown quite a bit.

Once it's cut do you file the nail down a bit to make it smooth in case of scratching either you or the piggies companion?
It's a good idea to get your mum to help you, I'll probably ask my mum the next time also. :) Just try not to be nervous, on my first time I got so nervous that I started shaking, that wasn't good hah..
I haven't filed their nails after, they usually aren't sharp after cutting them.
Gizzy posted this earlier in this thread, it was helpful for me. :) Guinea Lynx :: Nail Clipping
It's a good idea to get your mum to help you, I'll probably ask my mum the next time also. :) Just try not to be nervous, on my first time I got so nervous that I started shaking, that wasn't good hah..
I haven't filed their nails after, they usually aren't sharp after cutting them.
Gizzy posted this earlier in this thread, it was helpful for me. :) Guinea Lynx :: Nail Clipping

Yes thank you, I've been re-reading that and other nail posts for weeks running up to this occassion XD

I'm going to try and be brave for them as I'm sure they'll feel my nerves too and it will make the whole situation spiral out of control! I'm going to make sure to have a plate with plain flour on it ready! :eek:
Yes thank you, I've been re-reading that and other nail posts for weeks running up to this occassion XD

I'm going to try and be brave for them as I'm sure they'll feel my nerves too and it will make the whole situation spiral out of control! I'm going to make sure to have a plate with plain flour on it ready! :eek:
Haha aww, you're just like me before my first time :)) I had flour and tons of towels etc, fortunately didn't have to use any of these. Oh, I also every time give them treats (carrots/bell peppers usually, their fav) between each foot and give them (more like myself... :whistle:) some time to calm down.
Haha aww, you're just like me before my first time :)) I had flour and tons of towels etc, fortunately didn't have to use any of these. Oh, I also every time give them treats (carrots/bell peppers usually, their fav) between each foot and give them (more like myself... :whistle:) some time to calm down.

Prepare bribes before take off, got it! I'm just hoping I have a good first experience so that I'm not traumatised! I considered being a coward and just going to the vets for the nail trimming but I think it's better as they know and (are starting to) trust me so I'll just throw food in their face and hope for the best! Thanks for the help, I'll update once it's done if we all survive! XD
Prepare bribes before take off, got it! I'm just hoping I have a good first experience so that I'm not traumatised! I considered being a coward and just going to the vets for the nail trimming but I think it's better as they know and (are starting to) trust me so I'll just throw food in their face and hope for the best! Thanks for the help, I'll update once it's done if we all survive! XD
I think it'll be easier in the long run if you do it yourself. Your plan sounds good to me, I'm sure you'll do just fine! :)) :) Good luck, give us an update for sure hehe! :)
I'd recommend always getting someone to help you hold them. My pigs fall into the "oh if you have to cut them, then just hurry up Mum" category so they're quite easy. Still, my OH still holds them for me. I've always used baby nail clippers on my piggies. And as for black feet, that piggie I just did more often and cut less off. Sort of just taking the sharp bit off the end. Here's Percy being a good boy at toenail time...12273040_10153647426247279_1608220684_n.webp 12358364_10153682094382279_379370240_n.webp
Piggies: 0

Mission complete! Just cut the girls nails, took no time at all and they were good as gold! @AlbiePercy I used your holding method and rotated them to get the other side, whilst distracting them with some romaine lettuce. They couldn't have cared less! They didn't even need holding down.

@Bitsato I had my flour in a bowl ready but didn't even need it! I sorta bruised a nail on Cissy's foot but it didn't bleed out just looked like a little bruise, she yelped a little but didn't even stop munching her lettuce haha. I just took a little off the top on Bellas inconvient black paw which seemed to go down well! It's definitely easier to have someone help so it will probably help your little nail trim hater. I can't imagine having to tackle that on your own!
One of my pigs has 4 black feet and the other has 1 black foot meaning I have more black nails to cut than pink nails :no: I always cut the pig with some pink feet first so I have the length the nail should be fresh in my head but I still only cut a very small amount off the black nails as it does worry me.
One of my pigs has 4 black feet and the other has 1 black foot meaning I have more black nails to cut than pink nails :no: I always cut the pig with some pink feet first so I have the length the nail should be fresh in my head but I still only cut a very small amount off the black nails as it does worry me.

I think that's what I will do too, I also hope to get more piggies in the future and I've promised myself NOT to adopt piggies based on their foot colour XD Little and often might be how I plan on it with the black toe nails. Pink nails are better though no doubt haha.
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