Cutting Guinea Pigs Hair

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New Born Pup
Aug 14, 2016
Reaction score
East Riding Of Yorkshire
I adopted a long haired boar yesterday. Not decided on a name yet. He has long hair and i have noticed it gets wet with wee. I am wanting to cut his hair but not sure the best way to go about it or if i should do it with him being a new guinea pig. Not sure he will stay very still for me.
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Maybe sit him on a flat surface, table or something (making sure he can't run off) and put a pile of food in front of him to keep him distracted. You don't have to cut it too short, just short enough that it's not getting matted if the hair drags behind when he walks
Hi Beans&toast.
Thanks for your reply. He is very nervous so i think i will leave him. I just don't want him to get sore. The only thing he will allow me to do is hand feed him a little food.
Is it long enough that it drags along the cage? If you don't think he'd handle sitting while you cut it quickly maybe leave him until he's a bit more confident. Just be careful that he's not getting too wet, maybe change his bedding/hay more often until you can get the hair cut :)
I do trim the fur on my long-haired pigs to keep it from getting wet or matted. I just trim it to above floor level (still leave it a bit longer in back.) I give them some food on my lap and trim while they eat. The piggie with long fur that I have now doesn't seem to notice, but one of my other pigs used to jump and wheek and act like I was hurting her, even though I wasn't pulling and was clipping nowhere close to her skin! She was just a wimp! LOL!
Hello. Well I had the same problem as you when I adopted my peruvian baby girl. Her hair was too long and a little matted. She got dirty way too easy.
And because I was completely new at taking care of a guinea pig I was way too nervous to do it by myself.
So at the end I decided to hire a professional pet groomer.
She was very surprised when I told her I hire her for my guinea pig but she was pleased to take the challenge.
She cut all her mat hair and gave her a bath (with an special shampoo I bought) and at the end my baby girl was all clean and adorable with her new haircut and I was relieved that I didn't have to so it myself.
So I would say that if you're unsure on how to do it then is better to get a professional's help.
The groomer knows her business well and she uses an electrical razor so that eliminate the risk of any accident.
It was the best option for me and I would say that it was the best decision I took.
I put 2 pictures of my baby girl the first one is of the first day I got her and the second one was after her first haircut.
IMG-20151210-WA0007.webp IMG-20160320-WA0033.webp
I do trim the fur on my long-haired pigs to keep it from getting wet or matted. I just trim it to above floor level (still leave it a bit longer in back.) I give them some food on my lap and trim while they eat. The piggie with long fur that I have now doesn't seem to notice, but one of my other pigs used to jump and wheek and act like I was hurting her, even though I wasn't pulling and was clipping nowhere close to her skin! She was just a wimp! LOL!
Hi @Freela... sorry reading through old posts and jumping in on your reply regarding cutting hair. I have a 5mth old sow now that does exactly the same jumps and wheeks when I do the slightest snip. Did yours eventually get used to it? Any advise.. my big issue is I'm cutting on my own so can't hold her too so have to stop til someone can come round to help. Not always convenient. The other has been fine as she is ruled totally by food. But this one won't eat at all when she's scared
I find if you hold the piggie so it lies supported on your forearm of your left arm ( or right if you are left handed) you can use your left hand to protect the delicate area around their bottom while you trim the long hair using blunt ended scissors in your right hand. I have recently got some pet clippers ( electric) and they make the job even easier.
Hi @Freela... sorry reading through old posts and jumping in on your reply regarding cutting hair. I have a 5mth old sow now that does exactly the same jumps and wheeks when I do the slightest snip. Did yours eventually get used to it? Any advise.. my big issue is I'm cutting on my own so can't hold her too so have to stop til someone can come round to help. Not always convenient. The other has been fine as she is ruled totally by food. But this one won't eat at all when she's scared
She never really got used to it... she just didn't like the scissors. Luckily I was not cutting close enough to her skin for there to be any risk of me actually hurting her. She was often very uneven in back, though! Would yours do better if you let her hide her head in a blanket or something like that? I know that has worked to calm some of my skittish pigs in the past. Apparently if their head is covered, they feel like they are hidden. If only her head/front end was covered, you would still be able to quickly snip the back.
She never really got used to it... she just didn't like the scissors. Luckily I was not cutting close enough to her skin for there to be any risk of me actually hurting her. She was often very uneven in back, though! Would yours do better if you let her hide her head in a blanket or something like that? I know that has worked to calm some of my skittish pigs in the past. Apparently if their head is covered, they feel like they are hidden. If only her head/front end was covered, you would still be able to quickly snip the back.
Yes could have a try. She's never been over interested in food like the other so won't be bribed like the other thanks alot
We have an adopted Peruvian Lily who objected greatly to hair cuts but has got a lot better over time, she seems to have accepted her lot in life!
Chewy has his bottom hair trimmed every now and then he hated it at first, I had to do it by myself too as he freaked out if somebody else held him so what I found is putting him on a fleece blanket on a table with a massive bunch up in front of him worked so I held him under the chest gently with my left hand I let him bury his head in the blanket and started trimming carefully with my right hand. It's so much easier they feel secure because they think they are hiding so don't wriggle around, luckily now he will happily sit and munch on abit of coriander while I do it :D
I tried again last nite. Put fleece over her head and as soon as I started the first snip... jumped squeaked n moved. Didn't even get a snip. Then tried with a huge bunch of leaves and the full cosy. Thought maybe even if I got her used to the snipping just do top of her back. No luck. She jumps and kicks. I have to stop incase we have an accident. I like to hold the fur between my two first fingers n then cut with other hand only cos it means she can feel my hand on her... no pulling of hair at all and safer that I have a barrier of my finger between her and the scissors. Take it @Anarchybmc that when you did it on your own you just snipped? See she would still move her bum n back legs. At 5mths old she wriggles like hell. When she is scared she will not go near food... funny I cannot bribe her at all .
I tried again last nite. Put fleece over her head and as soon as I started the first snip... jumped squeaked n moved. Didn't even get a snip. Then tried with a huge bunch of leaves and the full cosy. Thought maybe even if I got her used to the snipping just do top of her back. No luck. She jumps and kicks. I have to stop incase we have an accident. I like to hold the fur between my two first fingers n then cut with other hand only cos it means she can feel my hand on her... no pulling of hair at all and safer that I have a barrier of my finger between her and the scissors. Take it @Anarchybmc that when you did it on your own you just snipped? See she would still move her bum n back legs. At 5mths old she wriggles like hell. When she is scared she will not go near food... funny I cannot bribe her at all .

Yeah I just gently snip away I tried not to touch or mess around with him too much, I used the scissors to pick up the hair that I needed to cut so my other hand was free to gently hold him, at first chewy wouldn't be bribed either he would just ignore any food I put in front of him now he looks for it straight away only prob is he eats it all before I'm finished!
Yes it's almost like if I eat all this really quick the scissors will stop! My others like that. She gives me but 4 to 5 mins then that's enough thanks but every few days that's fine
Yes it's almost like if I eat all this really quick the scissors will stop! My others like that. She gives me but 4 to 5 mins then that's enough thanks but every few days that's fine

:lol!: it's like when I was a kid and I would eat all of my dinner really quick so I could go back out!

Just a thought but have you checked their skin isn't sore or have any creepy crawlys? Sometimes that can make then jump and squeak when they are touched because it's sore? In saying that my Kimi and Murray kinda do that sometimes when they don't want to be touched, makes me laugh cus it looks like they are shrugging and saying get off :D
Yes they have both been treated for lice about 6 weeks ago now. From getting her I haven't been able to cut her. . I had to get another lady to cut her first time while I held but in trying to get it over asap she was v quick and not sure if that scares her ... doesn't hurt but she squeaks like mad. Then I thought they were both scratching alot. Took them vets and they had lice... not much. But the vet then was able to cut a piece of hair off very gently... n I thought ooo maybe I should try that. So in the 3rd week of treatment I went in on my own to very slowly start cutting bits ... she let me for about 6 snips .. that was a huge improvement. Then we had to go get her bum cut with this lady again . Who keeps a GP hotel and loves them.. just so you don't have this vision of her being this evil person!... and again it was a quick in n done job while I held and she squirmed like mad and squealed like she was dying! The treatment is done n can't see anything on her .. but the scissors are a no no. Even very slowly and gently... I know she hates but I have to be quick with this lady as she is the only person who can help... and she thinks getting it done quick is best... it's not that I could do 5 min's give her a rest and go back again.
Yes they have both been treated for lice about 6 weeks ago now. From getting her I haven't been able to cut her. . I had to get another lady to cut her first time while I held but in trying to get it over asap she was v quick and not sure if that scares her ... doesn't hurt but she squeaks like mad. Then I thought they were both scratching alot. Took them vets and they had lice... not much. But the vet then was able to cut a piece of hair off very gently... n I thought ooo maybe I should try that. So in the 3rd week of treatment I went in on my own to very slowly start cutting bits ... she let me for about 6 snips .. that was a huge improvement. Then we had to go get her bum cut with this lady again . Who keeps a GP hotel and loves them.. just so you don't have this vision of her being this evil person!... and again it was a quick in n done job while I held and she squirmed like mad and squealed like she was dying! The treatment is done n can't see anything on her .. but the scissors are a no no. Even very slowly and gently... I know she hates but I have to be quick with this lady as she is the only person who can help... and she thinks getting it done quick is best... it's not that I could do 5 min's give her a rest and go back again.

Isn't it frustrating when someone totally strange to them can do something that we struggle with lol vets are usually the ones as the piggies just freeze! Do the scissors make the snip snip noise? Perhaps that's freaking her out? Does the woman that cuts their hair ever show you how to hold them and do it yourself or do you always have to hold her while she cuts?
she just gets me to hold or her daughter who's piggie mad n loves mine cos they are still sort of babies. They both run her GP hotel so very experienced. But rather than use her two fingers like I do try and go slow and as quiet as poss( yes the scissors do makeep that slight snip sound..). she grabs a bit of hair with thumb and 2 fingers and snips quick... or hacks as she says as shes trying to get the hair off quick so they are not stressed too long. She has said to me that she could never do their bums on her own... so if she can't I defo can't! Hope they get a bit more used to it because it's going to be a regular event... I don't want their hair really long. I am hoping through keeping it cut that it keeps tangles and baths at bay!
she just gets me to hold or her daughter who's piggie mad n loves mine cos they are still sort of babies. They both run her GP hotel so very experienced. But rather than use her two fingers like I do try and go slow and as quiet as poss( yes the scissors do makeep that slight snip sound..). she grabs a bit of hair with thumb and 2 fingers and snips quick... or hacks as she says as shes trying to get the hair off quick so they are not stressed too long. She has said to me that she could never do their bums on her own... so if she can't I defo can't! Hope they get a bit more used to it because it's going to be a regular event... I don't want their hair really long. I am hoping through keeping it cut that it keeps tangles and baths at bay!

Gosh it sounds like you have your hands full, well if that woman cuts it well then I would just keep letting her do it :D saves stressing yourself out! Do you handle your piggys a lot?
Not really .... my hubby says I'm with them all the time... he isn't an animal lover! ! But I don't do a lot of lap time as they just run off. They seem to like floor time much more where they get to roam where and when they like. It's awful trying to catch them both and the scared one flossy hates being handled so cutting just adds to the stress... I try and pick them up as much as I can ... but I know it's not enough and they live outside
Not really .... my hubby says I'm with them all the time... he isn't an animal lover! ! But I don't do a lot of lap time as they just run off. They seem to like floor time much more where they get to roam where and when they like. It's awful trying to catch them both and the scared one flossy hates being handled so cutting just adds to the stress... I try and pick them up as much as I can ... but I know it's not enough and they live outside

I don't handle my piggies to often either I do prefer to interact with them on the floor I find they are a lot more confident around me like that. Maybe try just sitting with them instead of handling them? Maybe their confidence will grow when they learn that your not there to try and pick them up and then after a while try to stroke their head or cheek when it looks like they are trusting you, it can be difficult though when you have to pick them up for 'maintenance'. I would just persevere you will get there in the end!
@Anarchybmc just wanted to say thanks for the advise re cutting... I tried it and it worked a little. Held her with one hand and a fleece ..though she tried to completely cover herself a few times. .. but holding her I was able to stop her running away. And cut with the other... though I only did a little as she got very very wriggly BUT it was a first that she didn't squeal like mad. Will try a little more in a couple of days.. bit at a time seems to b better than a full 20mins in one go.
@Anarchybmc just wanted to say thanks for the advise re cutting... I tried it and it worked a little. Held her with one hand and a fleece ..though she tried to completely cover herself a few times. .. but holding her I was able to stop her running away. And cut with the other... though I only did a little as she got very very wriggly BUT it was a first that she didn't squeal like mad. Will try a little more in a couple of days.. bit at a time seems to b better than a full 20mins in one go.

Oh wow that's fantastic news I'm so pleased for you! Glad I could help :D yeah I would definately do little bits instead of long sessions piggies aren't the most patient creatures :D xx
I use an electric razor with a guard on it, for Tia I still have to be careful. I had to cut a lot of hair off her bum, because she used to sit under a water bottle & it got matted. This summer I cut it very short, I didn't want her to suffer in the heat.
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