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Cushing Disease


New Born Pup
Sep 11, 2024
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Hi I’m looking for some advice for my 3yr old guinea pig. I’ve had Puff for 3 years, her companion (age5) has very recently passed away. I’m fully aware that guinea pigs are not to be kept alone however I refuse to continue through the vicious cycle of “older one dies, get a new one”. I have a dog and am loaning 6 horses, it would unfair on the piggies to keep getting more as I am really struggling with giving Puff enough time, I of course am still spending 2 hours with her everyday but it is getting much much harder now, so Puff with be my last. Puff has an absolutely massive cage, with plenty of enrichment, I have been monitoring her closely but so far, she seems absolutely fine without her partner. If anything she has come out of her shell and I’m seeing a whole new sassy side to her! As her old partner was the dominant one 🤦‍♀️

Anyways that is some backstory, here is the problem: I and the vet believe that Puff has cushings disease, she has lost hair all around her back, she is pretty much bald neck onwards excluding her legs bless her. She is drinking excessively and losing muscle but not weight, she is a very healthy weight so so far that is not a concern. We have done multiple vet trips but however due to cushing disease being extremely rare in piggies to have it tested is nearly £1000. My parents (I am a teenager) are not willing to spend that much, considering we have already spent nearly £500 already for 3 checkups to make sure she maintains a healthy weight and isn’t in pain. I am wondering if anyone has any knowledge on whether it is okay to not treat it? As obviously without the testing the vet cannot administer a medication. All I care about is that she isn’t in pain, which so far she isn’t. She hasn’t had a loss of appetite, she is a healthy weight, her behaviour and personality is completely normal except for slight excessive drinking. Has anyone else had this with their piggy and it being okay lest untreated? Puff is a very lucky and spoiled guinea pig, despite the fur loss she is kept warm during the winter with 2 heaters inside her bedroom 😂 her bedroom is sometimes 20°C while I’m shivering inside the house (her cage is in an outbuilding at the end of our garden) therefore it isn’t proving to be much of an issue. And the vet so far isn’t concerned about her. Any thoughts? I can get some pictures of the fur loss and of her overall appearance if requested x