Currently Bonding Pigs, Eeeekkkk!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 6, 2014
Reaction score
I think I have read and watched the entire internet on 'how to bond pigs'. But nothing prepares you (like with labour) and it's down to them really.
They've been together just over half hour. Ted's part, lot of scent marking and rumbling and not so much humping like I was expecting. Florrie, bless her has been fine. She's told him off afew times. only afew nips by her there both eating hay at the moment but not next to each other.
Sounds a bit silly but there in my hall way, would back ground noise like tele or washing machine be ok?
I'm on edge.
I think I have read and watched the entire internet on 'how to bond pigs'. But nothing prepares you (like with labour) and it's down to them really.
They've been together just over half hour. Ted's part, lot of scent marking and rumbling and not so much humping like I was expecting. Florrie, bless her has been fine. She's told him off afew times. only afew nips by her there both eating hay at the moment but not next to each other.
Sounds a bit silly but there in my hall way, would back ground noise like tele or washing machine be ok?
I'm on edge.
I have mine in the living room, the washing machine is about 8ft away, tv about 3ft & people are always walking past the cage & chattering to them no problem. The only thing that spooks my piggys is if someone sneezes.
I have mine in the living room, the washing machine is about 8ft away, tv about 3ft & people are always walking past the cage & chattering to them no problem. The only thing that spooks my piggys is if someone sneezes.

I meant noise wise because I'm bonding them. Sorry I didn't make that to clear. They will be going in their hutch in the shed when I feel all is ok with them settled together.
Title altered from binding to bonding, I had visions of you tying your poor piggies up! :))
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