Curly Nails


Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 19, 2018
Reaction score
North East UK
Can we talk about those really annoying nails that can grow curled under on the front paws?

Why are they like that? Is it genetic, previous neglect or something else? Why only some nails on some piggies, but not all? What's the best way you guys have found to trim them?

It's hard to separate the toes far enough to be able to clip them properly without wrangling an already grumpy piggy into submission. I find my guys haven't got much length on them, if they were growing straight I'd probably leave them 'til next time, but as they're curled under I try & get them as it must feel weird trying to walk on them like that. At what length do these curly nails need a trim do you think?

Sorry if it's been asked before, had a quick look but can't find much except a brief mention.
I can't answer your question as to why, I would love to know this too. Two of my boars have this problem, I often only cut one nail a day with the difficult ones, I do it quick before they realise what I'm doing. I can do straight nails usually on my own but my partner holds them for the difficult ones as they get squirmy while I'm trying to get the toe in the right position.
Beans has this and to be honest I've always been under the impression that this happens to pigs as they age? Her nails haven't always been like this it's only as she's got older, she's close to 7 years now.

It's a 2 man operation to cut these nails, I get my mum to hold her and distract her with food whilst I cut them. I need to hold the nail apart from the rest to get into it, it's such an awkward angle :doh:
I keep the front nails very short,and trim a small amount every month.i have found that this prevents the nails curling to the is percevarane in the beginning to trim the nail alittle every day until the nail is short,then maintaining this !
I keep the front nails very short,and trim a small amount every month.i have found that this prevents the nails curling to the is percevarane in the beginning to trim the nail alittle every day until the nail is short,then maintaining this !
Thanks @eileen I'll have to try this!
My Mo has the curly nail quirk too and it can be awkward trimming them- though thankfully I always hold the piggies while a someone else trims the claws. I think it's genetic because Mo isn't old -he's only just turned 2 and I have always cut their claws regularly. :)
Yep, I agree with @eileen about the little and often thing. If you can get a good angle (google has lots of dog diagrams demonstrating the angles needed) going as well when you can encourage the quick to recede, which makes cutting them shorter easier.
My Coco is over a year old and gets really bad curled nails and they seem to grow like weeds and need frequent cutting where as her sister's nails only need the tips cut occasionally. I'm glad there are others out there with guinea pigs with the same issue, I was thinking it was something missing from her diet.