Curly and his friend to come


Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 25, 2017
Reaction score
We lost Vinnie two weeks ago today, it still feels very raw but I am starting to think of a companion for Curly. I am feeling very torn as to what to do next.
Some of your great knowledge and input would be a great help please!
Curly is two and has not been neutered, two months ago he had surgery for a bladder stone he has recovered well.
Our vet said because he has had the operation he is more likely to develop more stones.
My thinking was to neuter him and find him a female friend. His relationship with Vinnie was not always the best and they had to be separated on a few occasions. After Vinnie passed he just cracked on and seems quite happy. This is my thinking that he may be happier sharing with a female and not male competition, but is it wise to neuter him soon after his bladder op and what if he gets another stone and needs another op surely that's alot. Or do I knuckle down and try and find him a bro he likes? Vinnie loved having a fluffy friend to cuddle 😔


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I’m sorry for your loss. It is hard when they decide they’d rather be at the rainbow.

I wouldn’t discount bonding Curly with another boar. Boar bonds (in fact all bonds) are lovely when they work out. Taking him dating would be the best way in all cases.

As for neutering soon after bladder stone removal, perhaps speak to your vet and see what they think. Some piggies can be prone to them due to genetics while others it’s dietary or other influences.

Hopefully you can come to a decision with support from your vet and other peoples’ experience. You could always neuter him even if you’re to bond him with a boar.
I’m so sorry that you’ve had such a tough time. I would speak to your vet about neutering post stone surgery as I’ve no experience of this, sorry. It’s your decision entirely, but as he’s lived happily with another boar previously, I also wouldn’t discount going boar bonding to see if he can find another boar companion.
Good luck in finding Curly a new friend. Whatever you decide will be the right way to go, I would definitely have a chat with your vet about neutering