Curled Nails


Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 21, 2019
Reaction score
Queensland, Australia
Hi everyone,

I'm hoping some of you can give me some tips.
I have a 4 year old girl who has always had troubled feet. They bend outward and have since she was young which cause her nails to bend and curl. I've been to the vet several times to assist me with keeping them short but it's got to the point where they're curling shorter and shorter every time they're cut. Last time I visited the vet they cut her quick to try and straighten them.

Both my piggies not only get time on soft fleeced areas but also natural ground and cement.
I'm worried that if I take her back to the vet they'll do the same thing and it's not making it any better. I am fine with trimming nails but nothing like this.

Anyone have any tips or same experiences? How can I help my girl feel comfortable?

Can show pics if anyone needs them.
Pics would help to understand your situation a little better as I can't imagine what you mean by curling nails getting shorter and shorter.
A lot of pigs have nails that grow curled under or even in corkscrews. It can get more prominent with age. I'm guess that's what you mean? All you can really do is to clip them as short as you can without cutting the quick, with the knowledge that you will probably have to cut small amounts more often to keep them under control. I have clippers that look like little scissors with a tiny hole to insert the nail inside between the blades- I find this the easiest for cutting curly, complicated nails without hurting the pig. At age 4.5, Hadley has quite twisty nails too!
Yes my Jess has the same, a bit twisty compared to her cagemate, she's nearly 6 and a nightmare to trim hers too! Oh the noise!