Curled Nails

Louise's Zoo

Adult Guinea Pig
May 18, 2017
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My girls have a few of these. What is the best way to trim them. The one below on Eva, curls almost as soon as it leaves her toe so I can never cut it straight as it would be too short. What is best to do? It curls right round to the side when she walks.

My girls have a few of these. What is the best way to trim them. The one below on Eva, curls almost as soon as it leaves her toe so I can never cut it straight as it would be too short. What is best to do? It curls right round to the side when she walks.

Ruby's nails were like this, the older she got the one in the photo that is more curly she had but I to be safe nipped the end off when it was needed. Never too low and so to be safe cut the bit that looks like it has no colour in it being blood. One of the not so enjoyable jobs heh. I never hurt Ruby but she winced before I even did it and used to pull her paw up. Distraction of grass worked it was over before she realised. X
Just cut them a little and often. Curly claws come with age and are one of the issues we face with older piggies.
Coco's nails were like that but I had the vet trim them during their check up, Coco can be a biter with grooming and the vet has more experience lol.
Thankfully Eva is very chilled and lets me fiddle around with her feet as much as I need. I'll just try and keep that one trimmed as much as possible.
it is very common, I have that with some of my piggies. It can be harder to manage for little wrigglers who insist they don't want their nails clipping :))
both front feet (all toes!) are curly on my little Higgins, and he absolutely hates being handled - especially having his feet touched, so it is an ongoing battle.. I feel your pain!
Pig nails tend to get thicker and curl as pigs get older. One of mine lived to be almost 7 and had dark nails that grey more and more like corkscrews- trimming those was not my favorite job! We have a set of clippers for small animals that are shaped like scissors with a hole in the blade- you insert the nail into the hole and snip. I find that easier with the twisty nails than traditional human clippers. I try to clip small amounts often. With light nails, you can see the quick and will be fine cutting anywhere below that. It is definitely difficult though, I feel you on that!