Junior Guinea Pig
Does anyone get 2 piggies out at once for lap/cuddle time? I find if I get one of the girls out on her own she eats her veggies at a steady pace and then stretches out for a nice long stroke and settles down really nicely making lovely little noises. Even get some eyes closing and their bodies feel relaxed. When I get them out together they eat frantically and then struggle to settle down, they seem to be more impulsive and frantic in their movements around, bumping into each other and facing off and annoying each other quite a bit. They also seem jumpy and easily spooked when together yet on their own, Melly especially, seems to be more easily calmed by my voice and strokes. They are quite tame with me but their nervousness is heightened when in a pair on my knee. I like the idea of having them out together as I feel guilty separating one and leaving one on its own in the cage - but I am sensing they won't settle into bonding with me while together they seem to have other intentions and are more on high alert. Does anyone else experience this and have any advice?