Cuddling/lap Time Advice

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Junior Guinea Pig
May 25, 2016
Reaction score
South Yorkshire
Does anyone get 2 piggies out at once for lap/cuddle time? I find if I get one of the girls out on her own she eats her veggies at a steady pace and then stretches out for a nice long stroke and settles down really nicely making lovely little noises. Even get some eyes closing and their bodies feel relaxed. When I get them out together they eat frantically and then struggle to settle down, they seem to be more impulsive and frantic in their movements around, bumping into each other and facing off and annoying each other quite a bit. They also seem jumpy and easily spooked when together yet on their own, Melly especially, seems to be more easily calmed by my voice and strokes. They are quite tame with me but their nervousness is heightened when in a pair on my knee. I like the idea of having them out together as I feel guilty separating one and leaving one on its own in the cage - but I am sensing they won't settle into bonding with me while together they seem to have other intentions and are more on high alert. Does anyone else experience this and have any advice?
Conversely, my three are much more calm when they are all out together (I'm terrified but they're happy!)
Does anyone get 2 piggies out at once for lap/cuddle time? I find if I get one of the girls out on her own she eats her veggies at a steady pace and then stretches out for a nice long stroke and settles down really nicely making lovely little noises. Even get some eyes closing and their bodies feel relaxed. When I get them out together they eat frantically and then struggle to settle down, they seem to be more impulsive and frantic in their movements around, bumping into each other and facing off and annoying each other quite a bit. They also seem jumpy and easily spooked when together yet on their own, Melly especially, seems to be more easily calmed by my voice and strokes. They are quite tame with me but their nervousness is heightened when in a pair on my knee. I like the idea of having them out together as I feel guilty separating one and leaving one on its own in the cage - but I am sensing they won't settle into bonding with me while together they seem to have other intentions and are more on high alert. Does anyone else experience this and have any advice?

It very much depends. If you have a pair where one is confident/an adult and the other very timid or a baby afraid of being left on its own, then taking both out for cuddling time can help settle down the timid one. Taking both out at once also works with two laid back piggies.

However, if the piggies see you as new territory and start hierarchy bickering, then you are better off cuddling them in turn. Always feed, cuddle, groom and handle the top piggy first. Respecting the hierarchy avoids hurt feelings afterwards.

Enjoy that you have two piggies that are relaxed with you; not all piggies love long lap sessions!
I have 4 piggies, 3 are happier together because they are shy and 2 are far too dramatic and get solo lap time
I have one which will happily lie on my lap, with legs stretched out. The other flinches every time I stroke her. I was wondering if getting them out together would help the nervous one learn that I'm not going to hurt her? I guess I'l just have to try, and see what happens.
Does anyone get 2 piggies out at once for lap/cuddle time? I find if I get one of the girls out on her own she eats her veggies at a steady pace and then stretches out for a nice long stroke and settles down really nicely making lovely little noises. Even get some eyes closing and their bodies feel relaxed. When I get them out together they eat frantically and then struggle to settle down, they seem to be more impulsive and frantic in their movements around, bumping into each other and facing off and annoying each other quite a bit. They also seem jumpy and easily spooked when together yet on their own, Melly especially, seems to be more easily calmed by my voice and strokes. They are quite tame with me but their nervousness is heightened when in a pair on my knee. I like the idea of having them out together as I feel guilty separating one and leaving one on its own in the cage - but I am sensing they won't settle into bonding with me while together they seem to have other intentions and are more on high alert. Does anyone else experience this and have any advice?

My girls are the same. If they're together on my lap they kinda compete for the better spot and food, while in their cage they don't at all. I think they sometimes get sick of each others company and enjoy a break, haha.
It did take my 3 a while to sort out the lap time dynamics.
We had a couple of fraught 'snappy, wheeky' lap times before everyone found their place.
Now they will all settle fairly quickly and we often have them out for a cuddle while we watch a movie.
Ruby must always be on my daughters shoulder - she gets off to pee and then climbs right back on. No otehr piggy may be higher than her.
Lucy needs to be under a blanket or throw. She likes to stretch out on a lap or right next to someone, but must be fully covered.
Eddi wanders. He steps on the girls, lays on top of Lucy, and often gets told off. He will eventually settle in the open on whatever lap is left!
I funnily enough have the opposite problem. It used to be that I couldn't take out my dominant pig without the other (who was very young when I adopted him) crying out because he was scared of being alone. Now it's completely flipped. I can take out my dominant pig and have everything be fine with the younger one but if I switch it around and take the younger out for his turn of cuddles my dominant pig starts squeaking up a storm and usually flips the submissive pigs favourite hidey over searching. This is lessened if I sit right by the cage with the submissive pig but he still really does not like having his little friend out of the cage if he isn't out as well
I do have some advice for that in fact! When you take out your guinea pigs together you said they are easily spooked and that's OK, unless you want them totally relaxed then keep them in their cage! Anyway when you take out your piggies, just make sure you have a little system to let them know your doing this. Like a chirp or a squeak. Doing this I think you can get their attention and they might be more relaxed. Also I've noticed that the more shelter thats on your floor or outside the better, cause they feel exposed when you take them out of their home (cage) and will want a place that's sheltered where no one can bother them. I usually would set out a tunnel and an igloo for my girls so they don't feel threatened. Do that make sense?
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