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CT Scan after Dental Surgery


New Born Pup
Feb 28, 2025
Reaction score
I need some help understanding what options I have with my guinea pig.

She's 3 years old and she had dental surgery on Monday to burr down minor teeth issues. She has since not started eating (now Friday). She has been having critical care every 4 hours.

She's had extra ketabel and gut stimulants. She is on 5kg dog dose of loxicom twice a day.

The vet has suggested a referral for a CT scan to rule out soft tissue issues.

I want to understand what the best course of action is. Might she still pick up on her own? Is the only option to get the CT scan done? What are the possible outcomes of a scan?

We are at a loss. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated
Was she eating before the dental surgery? The very best vet to see for anything dental related is Simon Maddock at the Cat and Rabbit Care Clinic in Northampton. People travel from all over the UK to see him with their guinea pigs.

Our Cat & Rabbit Clinic in Northampton | Northlands Vets
She stopped eating before the dental surgery. We've been advised to go to a practice in Chipping Norton currently.

I suppose I'm hoping to understand the benefits to help me work out what the best course of action is. That's probably quite challenging without seeing her. I am waiting for a vet callback to get more information about pros and cons.
If you’re going to travel, I would urge you to go to the Cat and Rabbit Clinic. I run a charity for guinea pigs with ongoing health issues, primarily dental. The charity wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for Simon and Kim Maddock. They’re both so knowledgeable about guinea pig dental disease.
We used to travel from Cornwall for 9ne of my dental piggies, Simon Maddock was worth every mile, 600 to be exact. Don’t bother with the other vet, go to the best. He’ll probably be cheaper too