Crying, teeth chattering, and panicking .. At nothing.


New Born Pup
Jun 25, 2021
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Hi ! So in the middle of the night tonight, I woke up to a loud noise from my girls (just like they were chasing each other, no big deal). They just moved into a large C&C cage which is new to them, so I went to go check on them; only to find that one of my girls, Zuma, is making an odd crying noise, talking to herself, that she’s never made before. And is now teeth chattering to herself and breathing quickly, like she’s panicking. She’s not chattering at her cage mate, she’s not even near here. She’s just by herself, crying and teeth chattering. I’ve NEVER seen this behavior from her. Any pig parent advice as to what’s going on? Super weirded out ..
Just spitballing a couple of ideas but our two had a bit of a freakout and it turned out it was just a piece of wall art that my wife had mounted on the wall above their cage that they didn't like. I guess it set off their prey animal instinct. We took it down and they just calmed down immediately.

Have they got somewhere to shelter in the C&C cage? Something to get underneath? Ours have a throw draped over the centre section of the cage. Pulled tight and secured with clothes pegs. They love it under there.
Just spitballing a couple of ideas but our two had a bit of a freakout and it turned out it was just a piece of wall art that my wife had mounted on the wall above their cage that they didn't like. I guess it set off their prey animal instinct. We took it down and they just calmed down immediately.

Have they got somewhere to shelter in the C&C cage? Something to get underneath? Ours have a throw draped over the centre section of the cage. Pulled tight and secured with clothes pegs. They love it under there.
Not yet, was actually gonna make a second level today, although they do have tons of hidies .. It was their first night in this new cage setup, so I could see if they were just stressed out over the changes, but this is still so odd to me
It does sound as if something has spooked her.
My boys live in my shed so when they come indoors during too hot or too cold weather they do scare more easily than they do in their shed due to the new environment. They settle very quickly but I do find pegging a sheet/blanket over one end of their cage and putting their hides under that area helps them.
I agree with @Piggies&buns . Please make sure that your girl is feeling safe and protected and give her a day or to to settle down again.
Update on this, she ended up attacking her cage mate (scratched her eye pretty badly), Ruby, so I had to take her into the er vet, as this was at 4:30 am. As soon as we got back, I separated them into separate cages and the problem resolved. They’ve been together for a long time and have never had any issues, so this is so sudden and odd. Again I agree with everyone saying that maybe the new cage setup bothered her or spooked her but, for her to take it out on a ruby?
Hi ! So in the middle of the night tonight, I woke up to a loud noise from my girls (just like they were chasing each other, no big deal). They just moved into a large C&C cage which is new to them, so I went to go check on them; only to find that one of my girls, Zuma, is making an odd crying noise, talking to herself, that she’s never made before. And is now teeth chattering to herself and breathing quickly, like she’s panicking. She’s not chattering at her cage mate, she’s not even near here. She’s just by herself, crying and teeth chattering. I’ve NEVER seen this behavior from her. Any pig parent advice as to what’s going on? Super weirded out ..