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Crusty spot on Guinea pig bum


New Born Pup
Jun 14, 2022
Reaction score
Cleveland, ohio
My new baby I have had for a week has a crusty spot near her genitals and nowhere else on her body. I’m wondering if it is just a dry skin patch that will resolve on its own, cause I’ve never seen ringworm on genitals. The spot is right on her tailbone area. There is no inflammation present. She is about 12 weeks old.
Hi and welcome

Could you please post a picture (best via using the Attach Files button) underneath your post. Your description is too vague to do any more than guess wildly.

It could be a few things but a crisp close up and a wider angle to allow us to see where exactly on the body the spot is would help - right now, we don't even know whether it is on the back or the belly side, whether it is central or not and how far from the genitalia area it is. All these aspects will play a role in making an educated guess.