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Crusty eye (photo included)


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 24, 2022
Reaction score
Boston, MA, USA
Hi everyone,

I just noticed that Trevor had some eye crusts while I had him out of his cage… with his fur color, it’s really quite difficult to see whether these are milky or yellow-tinged. He’s otherwise eating well, and hasn’t lost weight. He is slightly lower energy than usual, but he also just lost his brother yesterday, so not sure how much of that is grief.

Does this look like something that warrants a vet visit? Only ask because we spent ~$4000 on his brother’s vet bills in the month before he passed so I’m trying to cut down on spending… But, if this looks like an emergency, I’ll happily go in.

Any help would be appreciated!


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Sorry to see this happening to your piggy.
My 5 year old boy Finn had similar crusty eye and I took him to Dr. Jayne's office. They first did a test to see if the injury came from hay poke, but concluded injury was not from hay poke. They then prescribed ointment for his eye. After applying poinment for a few days, his eye cleared.

A day later, I took my new baby guinea pig Bear to see Dr. Jayne due to his heavy breathing upon coming to live with us. Bear was diagnosed with upper respiratory infection and was given Baytril for 10 days.

Finn had a playdate with new baby Bear for an hour when he came to live with us, and got his eye infection from Bear. Bear came from a per shop.
Firstly I am sorry you lost Trevor's brother - it sounds like this is a really difficult time for you.

With eye things I tend to err on the side of caution and if the crusts/gunk are there fo more than a few hours I would pop him along to the vet to have the eye checked.
The good news is that if it is a problem you have clearly caught it early and it should be quite easy (and cheap!) to treat.
Hugs to you and Trevor right now.
Firstly I am sorry you lost Trevor's brother - it sounds like this is a really difficult time for you.

With eye things I tend to err on the side of caution and if the crusts/gunk are there fo more than a few hours I would pop him along to the vet to have the eye checked.
The good news is that if it is a problem you have clearly caught it early and it should be quite easy (and cheap!) to treat.
Hugs to you and Trevor right now.
Thank you for the kind words & advice! I gently wiped the crusts off with a warm towel last night & they haven’t recurred, but I did leave a message for our (fabulous) vet to see if this is something he wants to see Trevor for ASAP!
So happy it was nothing serious, but that he was seen by the vet.
Good luck with finding him a new friend and don't forget to keep us updated!