crazy for pellets


New Born Pup
Feb 1, 2022
Reaction score
So my other guinea pig Hai always goes crazy when I'm about to give them their pellets. He comes to the edge of the cage and starts biting the bars. I tried waiting if he would maybe stop and I could give the pellets then but he just started biting the cage bottom furiously and pulling it towards him.

I wondered, could I train him to wait and not bite? or should I just let him be himself and quickly give the pellets? I feed Burgess Excel Mint. Is it too addictive for them or something lol?
(picture of the mad piggy in question and the cage bars and bottom he bites)


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My pair used to freak out and start shrieking if I rustled a bag anywhere near them, including the pellet bag. The pellet bag is the only bag they now react to, and they don't shriek at me when it happens now. They've learned - they get their pellets at a specific time (ie, when I'm going to bed) and they know the routine. They get given one each and the rest get tossed into the hay carpet.

Thankfully they weren't bar biters but the noise they can make, it's just as bad. They can definitely learn to rein in the begging behaviours but it'll take a bit of work on your part and his. And I can't help with any tips because I sort of did it accidentally, sorry :oops:
Some of my pigs do it too, once they get the food they stop though lol. Not much you can really do.