Crazy fidgeting piggies - how to flip them over?

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I hate to say this.. but my piggies doesn't like me to turn them on their back and let me checkk on their bottom =(

they are always crazily fidgeting away... and struggling to go back on their 4 legs.

I'm wondering issit the way i handle them that makes them feel uncomfortable so they doesnt like me to flip them over? :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\

Is there any website that can show u pictures of how to flip them over and check their bottom? lololol..

guess i shall ask the piggies experts in here.. since most of the piggies i seEee.. they are always sooooo obedient and doesn't fidget and struggle whenver their owner hold them to check their bottom =X

how do u guys do tat?!

i needdd tips!

thanks all =)

:smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
You'll find that most piggies don't like to be on their backs as this would make them vunerable in the wild :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\
I just careful lift up with piggies back to my stomach and then check out his bits and make sure all is clean and right that way, not on his back O0
Glynis is right - pigs don't like to be vulnerable on their backs and will struggle to right themselves. The best way is as she suggested, with their back against your chest.
ooOoo u mean let the piggie rest on me and the back facing me.. so i can check the back?
Alright i will try that and see how it goes :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: O0 O0 thanks!

I saw lots of owners just flipping their piggies over and check.. the vet do that too O_o
and the piggie didn't struggle! how strange O_O~

but when i do that, piggies struggle like crazie. ~
I'm wondering do they reallie know "ooOo this is the vet! so i gotta be good!" lolol~
Sunshine, Eccles and Pudsey don't mind it they are so trusting though. Wil have to try the chest to back idea with the others. :)
They really just need to feel supported. Most of mine can be put on their back on my lap with a hand gently supporting their body. None of them would tolerate being plonked on their back without any support (a piggy could get seriously injured by trying to right themselves).

It's a lot of trust and a lot of practice. My vet has the ability to hold a piggy so that she can examine underneath but my piggies would struggle against anyone but me doing it.
I totally agree, I always support their backs be awful if they had any nasty accidents because I wasn't holding them properley. :'(
Hmmm.. i do have my palm supporting their back though.. does that count? =p

sheesh lately i found entangled hair at the bottom of coffee (again!)
guess i would need more skills to cut the hair there :-\
You just have to bear in mind that they're prey animals and it terrifies them to feel vulnerable, which they are if put onto their backs. Every ounce of instinct will tell them to right themselves and run away when placed on their back and they can injure themselves in the panic. It's really not necessary to try and get one to lie on its back as practically everything that you would need to do (like nail clipping, grooming) can be done in a different, safer position.
What i do is when ive got the piggy in my hands is put there back against my chest that way the piggies back is suported whilst I'm supoorting its front cause i hold it under its front legs O0 and with my other hand holding its bottom that way i get to see underneath my piggy without him/her fidgeting and mine have got used to that now so most will sit comfortable whilst i take a quick peek at them O0
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