New Born Pup
My piggy (4.5 years) has been making a weird crackling noise for about 6 days. 3 days ago I took her to the vets but obviously as soon as I was in the building she stopped
and the started again the next day. The vet did a full check up and said her lungs sounded healthy, teeth and ears looked good, couldn't feel any bladder stones,no nasal congestion etc she's eating as normal, drinking enough, and poo is normal. She gave her some injections just in case and the day after the crackling sounded better but now it's back to how it was 6 days ago. Besides this she seems completely fine.
I'm probably more worried as her cage mate died 4 days ago and she went from absolutely fine, no visible issues, to having had a stroke whilst I was at work and died a few hours later - I didn't even get time to get her to a vet.
Has anyone come across this before with crackling sounds but nothing else seems to be wrong?

I'm probably more worried as her cage mate died 4 days ago and she went from absolutely fine, no visible issues, to having had a stroke whilst I was at work and died a few hours later - I didn't even get time to get her to a vet.
Has anyone come across this before with crackling sounds but nothing else seems to be wrong?