Cow parsley


Forum Donator 2022/23
Jul 31, 2017
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Is this cow parsley? It’s very tall, growing at the end of the garden. The leaves are still small though. 3c5fef44-5856-479b-a634-e0360b672efb.webp0c01f31d-5d43-4fcd-bf3c-c114d70d2b02.webp
And is this edible for piggies? It has red down the middle of the leaves. IMG_7711.webp
I would recommend joining a foraging group/forum
Alot of the carrot family plants are fine for piggies but then alot are poisonous or very dangerous and some look almost identical (i don't forage cow parley for that reason).

Get some close up of the stems on that first plant and someone more confident them me might be able to assist
The first plant is cow parsley. Always be careful with cow parsley as there is an extremely similar plant that is deadly. (Water hemlock)
The second plant appears to be some kind of sow thistle. It is quite hard to tell from the photograph though so I am not 100% sure of it.
As breakawayfromme said, there are foraging and plant identification forums that may be able to help you. There are also plant identification apps and websites. I currently use one called PlantNet that is available as an app or by just accessing their website, just upload an image and it can identify the plant (or get quite close). The only problem with these apps is that you do have to double check everything as they can only be so accurate.
Thank you all. I wanted to double check the cow parsley because I knew there is something similar that’s poisonous.

I’ll dry the leaves of the former and pick the later before the husband clears the front area!
Cow parsley 1st picture, milk thistle 2nd picture. Both my piggies favourites.
Sorry, me again! I’d rather err on the side of caution!
Is this herb Robert? Pink flower

If so, what part can they eat? Want to get it quick before the husband clears it, if it is herb Robert.


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