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Covid and guinea pigs


New Born Pup
Feb 2, 2022
Reaction score
Hello, I tested positive for covid today and I am afraid I have passed it to my guinea pigs. Does anyone know the signs of covid in guinea pigs? I have read that it’s unlikely for them to get it but still possible and is it serious if they do catch it?
Hello, I tested positive for covid today and I am afraid I have passed it to my guinea pigs. Does anyone know the signs of covid in guinea pigs? I have read that it’s unlikely for them to get it but still possible and is it serious if they do catch it?


Please follow our very practical and detailed care tips in this link here (which has a full chapter on Covid and one on care during human infectious illnesses): Contagion - Pet Care During Owner Illness (incl. Covid)/Pregnancy&Immuno-depression/Zoonosis

Use your common sense, wash your hands before and after any interaction, wear a mask when in close proximity and just concentrate on feeding, watering and medicating but leave anything else be (unless somebody else can do it for you) until you are past the worst of the infection and are feeling better. The infection risk for rodents is very low but virus particles can end in the coat of the pets of affected owners.
I’ve just recovered from Covid. I limited my interaction with the piggies while I was in isolation and wore a mask when I was in the room with them. I also wore disposable surgical gloves (a clean pair ) each time I fed them or tidied their cage. My piggies were absolutely fine.
I hope you make a swift recovery from the virus.