Could They Overheat In A Snuggle Sack?

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Senior Guinea Pig
Mar 15, 2016
Reaction score
Zürich, Switzerland
This is probably a silly question, but could a guinea pig overheat in a snuggle sack? :help:

The kids wanted to sew something for their piggies (sewing is compulsory in school, so it is normal for kids here to sew on a machine), and we decided to make snuggle sacks.
We made them with a fleece inner and twill outer, because that is what I had on hand.

We got the snuggle sacks out at lap time and the pigs LOVED them.
They dove right in, and the 2 girls in particular curled up immediately, and were clearly totally content.

The cuddle sacks were left open at all times, and we never held the guinea pigs in them or tried to prevent them getting out, so they were definitely there by choice.
But my worry was that because it is quite warm right now, the pigs could get too hot?
Or am I being silly?
If they started to get too hot would they just get up and walk out of the cuddle sack and onto a lap or into their hutch?

And since they love them so much, should we make all cotton ones for the warmer months?
Or is it the fleece that they love?

Whatever the outcome, today was filled with lots of cuteness :love:

awh thats lovely your girls are making something for your piggies x If they got to hot they can just hop out x My friend has 4 piggies indoors and when it was a really hot day she still had her snuggle in the sun x
xhugs to you and your piggiesx :hug:
good luck on your making x
So cute! I had those for my hedgehogs (my cousin made them for me) but just use blankets for the pigs! I don't think they would overheat so long as they are able to get out. I'm sure if they got hot they would move. Overheating is more of a risk when the whole environment is hot so the pigs can't get away to cool off.
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