Could my two pigs accept a friend?


Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 17, 2020
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Hi all!
Not sure if I’ll be remembered, but I'm the gal with two lady pigs, one who was diagnosed with kidney failure.

My pigs are my absolute top priority, I will never do anything that could make them sad or uncomfortable. My yenyen at the moment has gained weight wonderfully being on some medicine daily, she eats fabulous but as she always has been, she’s extremely lazy. I feel badly for my other pig Ciri, as she is very very active and playful.

One of my friends rescued a pig a few weeks back, not from any bad conditions unfortunately all her friends passed and the lady just doesn’t want to have pigs anymore. She is 4 years old (the exact same age as my pair) and very gentle.

I feel very badly for this pig as no one is interested in getting her currently, so for now she is still living alone with a friend of mine. I do feel that Yen is in the best place she can be with her illness, and Ciri could really do with a mate who will actually play with her and interact more.

I have no idea if it’s a mental idea to bond another pig into my herd but I’d love to know what you think? I have already read up on how to bond and could have enough space for them to live next to each other for a while. I’m not sure I could house her forever, but my friend has said she can take her back if it doesn’t go well.

What do you think? Yen has had an extreme amount of attention due to having a very difficult life, I do feel for ciri and wonder if a mate would do her well too but obviously my main priority is the health of my pigs.

Many thanks


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Adorable girls I am sure someone with experience bonding sows will offer some advice soon and how lovely to see you caring so much for your girls health physically, emotionally and mentally 💕
Remembering the care and dedication that you demonstrated to keep Yen alive well past the point when a lot of people would have given up I think it's worth a try.
Be warned, you're asking a bunch of guinea pig mad folk whether or not to adopt another pig...

It's definitely worth thinking about as piggies get older as they're group animals. I have 7 pigs and 4 of which will be turning 4 this year and the others reaching 3 in the next few months. After recently losing one I have started to think how I'd merge groups and which ones to pair with who. I don't know what I'd do when I'm down to my final 2 as I don't intend to add anymore. I may see if I can foster so the final pig isn't alone, I don't know. I've got a few pigs to go before I think about that.

Should Ciri be left alone, you'd be faced with the dilemma of trying to find a piggy for her. I think it is worth a try while you have the opportunity.

In short, yes. The answer is bring another piggy home. 😂
I would personally try the bonding and see how it goes. It may end up being perfect so your friends piggy and Ciri aren’t left alone
I’d give it a go as it could turn out to be the perfect solution. But just be warned - sows can be very picky. So it may not work.

That is a very kind thought. It is always worth a try but please accept that it may not work out. Adult sows can be a lot more difficult to bond.

It wasn't an easy bonding but my my most tricky piggy, dumped ex-single Beryn found happiness for sadly just one year with squishy Betsan (the last survivor of a larger sow group) who was around 4 years in January 2019; Beryn was about 3 years then and had failed about about 7 or 8 previous bonding attempts (and would fail another 2 after Betsan's death just before the start of the pendemic). Betsan was the only piggy she ever accepted and loved.

I also prefer to find a new friend for a not too old but soon to be bereaved companion beforehand; or two if the piggies in question are already a bit older so you are not ending up with two big an age scissor game down the line and you can keep it to a minimum of searches/introductions.

However, with an existing sow pair, I am usually looking for either a ideally pair of baby sows (it makes acceptance easier and you can avoid another age gap further down the line) when adopting sight unseen or for a very gentle/submissive neutered boar for dating. I have adopted the occasional adult widowed sow but have often had to go down to plan B, C or D. How piggies are with humans and how they are with other/new piggies can be a very different kettle of fish in my own experience.

What you are looking for in these cases are generally baby or young teenage sows who cannot challenge the existing hierarchy and especially the frail companion as they will become even frailer unless you can rescue date. You do not want to stress out your terminal piggy and make them miserable after all.

Baby Dryw 'Wren' between 8 years old Hedydd 'Skylark' (shortly before her death from galopping arthritis) and husboar Pioden 'Magpie' (ca. around his 6th birthday) in October 2019. I had to go for a baby who couldn't challenge Hedydd; thankfully one came along via a forum member just in time!

2 years old Dryw with then ca. 8 years old Pioden bonding with two new baby girl adoptees just 3 weeks before his passing in November 2021. Because of the pandemic, I had to cut it rather finer than I would have liked.
First cousins Llinos 'Linnet' and Lleian 'Smew' have stopped growing at 6 months but they are now coming up 3 years and Dryw is coming up to 5 years now. Dryw has massive fear aggression issues so the baby approach was the only feasible for her. With a little luck, my runty little companions (they are just around 600g) will see her out.

Dryw (herself not a large piggy) with her now fully grown sowfriends

My then 5 months old Brangwyn (neutered as soon a possible) with Dylan's widow's, then 3 years old Beti (who was a 2 years old widowed vet referral) and 4 years old Begw in May 2023. Bran had grown up next to them after he fell out with his dad minding him while still a baby and they had made friends with him through the bars!
PS1: Beti took an instant dislike to her similar aged lookalike Tudur when I tried to bond them first before the successful attempt with Dylan after living next to them for a few weeks.
PS2: I did try Brangwn's brother Baeddan with Dryw and her two sidekicks but he was too dominant for her, even as a 5 months old :(


I hope that helps you? Ultimately, it always comes down to the personality. Older sows are often reluctant to submit to another piggy and wary with any new piggies.