Could he be depressed?

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Jul 6, 2007
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Hi All,

I've just been monitoring Cuzzy's behaviour. As you know he is a lone boar as he had a scrap with Susnhine in the summer, not sure who started it but Sunshine is the dominant of him and Twinkle. Anyway since Cuzzy's illness he has obviously been off his food. I'm still trying to get him to eat, he'll eat hay and a bowl of kale but that's it. He just sits around looking fed up. I give 100% to Cuzzy and get him out for cuddles and try my best to make him happy but he just looks sad.

There is no reason for him not to eat. He is bright, alert, no gunky eyes, breathing is ok etc etc. So I don't understand why he is like this. Except that he could be depressed. I've just put a cuddly rabbit in with him (can't find Eccles anywhere, he is my toy pig) and he bucked up, had a small piece of carrot and started foraging. He started wheeking at the rabbit and when I move it around the cage he sniffs it then wheeks and moves away from So I'm thinking what he has now is some depression!

Would anyone agree? I will get him another ASAP if that is the case, but I want to be sure. Help! :D


I do agree Sammy, there is just no reason for him to be so miserable. I think I'll try a divider later and let him see the boys if he shows an interest then I will get him a friend. I don't understand though he is in our living room, made a fuss of by everyone and used to popcorn so much. Maybe he is just fed up with that and wants someone of his own kind which is understandable!

Yikes is that the time, better get Emily! :D
I think it would be well worth taking him to a rescue to see if you can find a friend for him.A good rescue will let you try him with various pigs to see whether he snaps at them or looks like he will bond.
maryh said:
I think it would be well worth taking him to a rescue to see if you can find a friend for him.A good rescue will let you try him with various pigs to see whether he snaps at them or looks like he will bond.

Yeah! I agree, deffo requires a trip to the Rescue - some will let you put him in, others wont. Play it by ear, but do take your time and be sure before you commit yourself. Sorry if that sounds a bit patronising - I didn't mean it to. I know how us piggyphiles can get ruled by our hearts! :smitten:
Hi All,

Thanks. I left the rabbit in with Cuzzy and although he isn't bothered by it he seems a little better. I have been intouch with a vets not far from me. They run a small rescue and I know someone who got rabbits from them a while back. They have about six guineas in at the mo and I can take Cuzzy up to see them. I may go tonight if the receptionist rings me back tonight if not tomorrow and all they need is a donation. My aunt tipped me off about them as she used to foster cats for them so I just rung on the off chance. :)

I'm going to set up a divider now so Cuzzy can see the other pigs and see his reaction, I need to be sure this is what is wrong and not him still feeling low after being unwell!

Will keep you posted on him!

I have just had this issue with Branstone, so i brought him in and he bucked up, read the post in health and illness, he is so much better and has started to eat again, yes i think guineas get depressed, is there anyway tha you can devide a cage down the middle with chicken wire, i have done this in the past and have some very happy pigs, so one cage a big one, i did it with a 6ft one so the had 3 ft each and it worked really well
I agree, Timmy was like this until I got Sunny for him. He is a completely different piggy now!
Aw poor Cuzzy, does sound a bit lonely. Are you still giving cc? he may be full from this, just a suggestion? Where is the rescue Louise? may need a piggie for Sephy myself soon if it doesnt work with Sephy an the girls ::) x
Hi Guys,

Well I put Cuzzy in a smaller cage and let him see the girls. He was wheeking and wanting to play. Fleur started teeth chattering, little madam, she done that to me this morning because I dared to feed the boys first! He is now back in his own cage and has been a bit more active. Peter thinks he needs a mate too, he did seem to buck up when he was near the others.

Emma, I gave cc this morning, I'll give him some more tonight as he still isn't eating enough. The cat rescue is in Garston, I'll ring tomorrow about the pigs, not sure if they are ok for re-homing or if they need treatment first. To be honest the sooner I get a pig for Cuzzy the better. Flora was quite smitten with him but I won't put him through neutering, he has been through so much already with his mites and now infections as well as feeling lonely.

Mum even felt sorry for him, well, that was before I said I'm getting another pig! She said that will be six! ::) She can count! But I'm thinking of Cuzzy and one more will not break the bank.

Going to look at Barmy for boars now and get some ideas on bonding Cuzzy and his mate which will probably be called Eccles! :D

Hiya Louise.

I'm convinced that Murphys problems last week was due to him being lonely. We did the same with Murphy we put him in his box in with the girls and he picked up a treat. The girls were flirting like mad over him. Sooo funny to see. OH said that Honey was kissing him through the bars lol

He is getting neutered soon then he is having a girl friend. :smitten: :smitten:

Lots of love to Cuzzy hope you get him a nice house mate.

Keep us updated Louise. :smitten: :smitten:
Hi Lindsay,

Maybe when they are poorly they need a mate to lift their spirits. Just been cuddling Cuzzy and he was trying to escape so he is back to his old self and when I touch him he semi popcorns but sometimes in the cage he just sits in the corner looking at the floor and its horrible to see him like that, he used to be such a happy little boy. Fleur did kiss Cuzzy though the bars

Hopefully will have something sorted tomorrow. I really should have done this sooner but I didn't know what to do for the best. With any luck he will buck up good and proper with a new mate!

Wish me luck!

Hi Louise,
Hope you manage to find Cuzzy a suitable friend , who meets his obvious high standards ;)I shall wait with baited breath for piccys please :smitten:
sammy xx
Hi Emma,

Yes I've got Eccles! :) He is a tri coloured black, white and a hint of yellow in him! Will take pics later and post about him when I get a min. Just feeding pigs and Cuzzy seems ok with him (Eccles is in a seperate cage for now!)

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