I have been given the chance to consider homing a 10 week old female.
She is very nervous, and her 2 sisters (who she currently lives with) will be re-homed on the 19th July.
I have 1 male and 2 females in a 2 x 7 C&C.
All of them are between 6-7 months old, and they have a clear, and very stable hierarchy.
There is no obvious 'pair' within the trio, and very rarely any 'bickering', so I would say it is a very solid group. Ruby (the youngest female) is in charge, Lucy (the oldest and biggest female) accepts this, and Eddi just rumble struts around and thinks a lot about blueberries!
So how would adding a young female to this group be likely to affect them?
The last thing I want to do is upset the balance we already have, but if it could work I am also happy to consider trying to introduce this girl to my 3 (following all the guidelines on introductions obviously).
If the introductions do fail then the breeder will willingly take her back, but the real problem is my children*. Whatever happens they will fall wildly in love with her the minute they set eyes on her, and once she is through the front door, I am worried I will never be able to send her back!
But then I really don't want to end up with 2 separate groups either.
*Technically I am blaming the children here, but I also worry that I would be far too useless to return her too.
She is very nervous, and her 2 sisters (who she currently lives with) will be re-homed on the 19th July.
I have 1 male and 2 females in a 2 x 7 C&C.
All of them are between 6-7 months old, and they have a clear, and very stable hierarchy.
There is no obvious 'pair' within the trio, and very rarely any 'bickering', so I would say it is a very solid group. Ruby (the youngest female) is in charge, Lucy (the oldest and biggest female) accepts this, and Eddi just rumble struts around and thinks a lot about blueberries!
So how would adding a young female to this group be likely to affect them?
The last thing I want to do is upset the balance we already have, but if it could work I am also happy to consider trying to introduce this girl to my 3 (following all the guidelines on introductions obviously).
If the introductions do fail then the breeder will willingly take her back, but the real problem is my children*. Whatever happens they will fall wildly in love with her the minute they set eyes on her, and once she is through the front door, I am worried I will never be able to send her back!
But then I really don't want to end up with 2 separate groups either.
*Technically I am blaming the children here, but I also worry that I would be far too useless to return her too.