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Sep 3, 2011
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My new guinea pig is great and healthy (7months) but when he drinks from his water bottle he chokes on the water and coughs. He seems to not really know how to drink from a water bottle even though he has had one his whole life...

I cannot put a dish of water out because it would be knocked over in two seconds...

This is so weird. Any advice?

Try a ceramic water dish and see how he gets on? *heavy enough to take serious effort to knock over* And in the mean time make sure he gets enough wet veg?

Maybe someone else can help more. :)
Try a ceramic water dish and see how he gets on? *heavy enough to take serious effort to knock over* And in the mean time make sure he gets enough wet veg?

Maybe someone else can help more. :)

Yes, I give him 1 cup of vegiges a day. Another thing he does not seem to be drink that much... only about an inch or so a day. Is that normal?
Dodn't know where else to post this so I thought this thread might be good for my question.
Our guinea-pig Sparky has been coughing quite a bit for the past days. Generally, he seems to be mostly doing it when he is eating so my bf said he is probably eating too fast and then choking on his food. However, it started quite suddenly and he never had problems before. I'd like my bf to take him to a vet (I don't have time), but he said he thinks the vet won't be able to do much - he's still probably going to take him there today, I will insist on it anyway.

Has anyone had a coughing piggie before? What could be causing it? Generally, Sparky is eating, drinking and behaving quite normally.
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