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Coughing piggy


New Born Pup
Jan 31, 2022
Reaction score
Florida, Orlando
Hi all how are you? I'm a little mad and worried about my guinea pig recently she's been coughing and she used to cough before, today she's coughed like five to ten times in one day, and I really wish I was exaggerating but it's the truth I've tooken her to the vets twice before once four to five months ago and again this year on March 31st both times I've tooken her and both times the vet said she was okay, I'm giving her the medicine they gave me everyday until the time limit but she's still coughing and I don't know what to do, I know that some coughing is normal in guinea pigs but I don't know what to do because I don't want to go back to the vets and waste $80-$90 just for them to tell me "she's okay" she's still a young pig she's one years old she eats and drinks perfectly fine she runs around and popcorns perfectly fine but she's still coughing and I don't know why, what should I do?
What medicine have you been given, dosage and how long is the course?
I know vets aren’t easy to find in the US, but is there another vet you can see?
Have you checked for irritants - hay and bedding dust, irritants in the run?
What medicine have you been given, dosage and how long is the course?
I know vets aren’t easy to find in the US, but is there another vet you can see?
Have you checked for irritants - hay and bedding dust, irritants in the run?
I don't know if it can be the food since the other guinea pigs are fine but I could be wrong, Since this is the second medicine I'm giving her it's an antibiotic I have to give her 0.3 ml for two weeks and I don't think there is any other vet around me that does exotic animals I recently called every vet around me and they said they don't do exotic animals the one I'm currently going to is an hour away from me, the brand of food I'm giving them is Timothy hay and small world Pellets
What is the name of the medicine?
Hay can be dusty, have you checked it isn’t dusty?
What are they bedded on? Some disposable bedding can be dusty
What is the name of the medicine?
Hay can be dusty, have you checked it isn’t dusty?
What are they bedded on? Some disposable bedding can be dusty
It could be the hay and the pellets, and I think the medication is called Enrofloxacin (Baytril) I have to keep it refrigerated and it's very sticky, the bedding I use is fleece blankets I used to used wood shavings but I got rid of them as soon as I learned about fleece blankets
Are there any other irritants that may be in the room they’re in - perfumes, candles air fresheners etc? How has her weight been? Does she cough when she is eating or when she’s wondering around?

Have a look at the link below to see if there are any other vets you would be able to get to (and an appointment with).
Guinea Lynx :: GL's Vet List
Are there any other irritants that may be in the room they’re in - perfumes, candles air fresheners etc? How has her weight been? Does she cough when she is eating or when she’s wondering around?

Have a look at the link below to see if there are any other vets you would be able to get to (and an appointment with).
Guinea Lynx :: GL's Vet List
No I don't really use perfume, I don't light candles in my room and I don't use air fresheners, I also have an air purifier to help her just in case! I don't really know when she coughs as it's very random one moment she'll be fine and then the next she'll just have a coughing fit I'm gonna try and call some vets around to see if they can help
You may want to ask your vet to do a trial of a different antibiotic. Sometimes the antibiotic is not a good match for the bacteria causing the problem and it will suppress it but not completely resolve it. A different antibiotic may be better tailored to the problem and help resolve it.
You may want to ask your vet to do a trial of a different antibiotic. Sometimes the antibiotic is not a good match for the bacteria causing the problem and it will suppress it but not completely resolve it. A different antibiotic may be better tailored to the problem and help resolve it.
Okay thanks I'll call them to see what I can do