Cost of spaying in UK


Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 15, 2019
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I just wondered if anyone could give me an indication of what you would expect a spaying to cost. We took Bianca to an exotics vet (one which only takes referrals) with suspected ovarian cysts. Because no cysts could be felt, we were told that they would only show up on a CT scan (not ultrasound) at a cost of I-don't-know-how-many-hundreds-of-pounds over £1000. A preventative spaying was suggested, with a best-case-scenario cost of £650, going to £827 if one night in hospital were required. However, we were also warned that it could be longer in hospital or that she might have to come back in 2-4 days later. If, however, they were to find ovarian cysts during the neutering, then the price would go even beyond the £800's because then you start having to pay for the anaesthetic as well, instead of it being included. At this point, I told the vet that there was no point in continuing to give me estimates ... And the cost of being told the possible costs was £185. (But Bianca did get an incredibly thorough examination so that we know that at the moment, in all other discernible respects, she is healthy.)
Wow, that’s a huge amount 😞 I have never had a guinea pig spayed at my vets but they charge around the £100-£150 mark for a rabbit spay so I’m assuming a guinea pig spay would be around the same. I know that CT scans are expensive although I’ve never had one done on any of my pets myself.

But I do know that exotic vets charge more and the cost of the anaesthetic and after care bumps the price up

I am sure that more members who have had the procedure will be able to advise further
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I've only got boars, but I know my vet charge a very similar price for a piggy vs a rabbit spay. I paid £250 to have both my rabbits spayed a year ago.
The most I've ever paid was about £100 15 years ago or so, I've paid somewhere between £83 and £90 for the last 6 spays ive had done with my current vet though.
I have only had 2 boars done and that was £72 each (including recovery food, pain meds and many post op checks). I'll be asking my vet when I next see her about piggy spay just so I have a rough idea if I need to do it in the future. Can't imagine it being over £100 though unless there's complications ect. Do you have access to another pig experienced practice? Might be worth asking about.
So these really are mind-boggling prices. I've since begun searching spaying threads on this forum and more and more it was seeming to me that the prices we've been quoted were in a different realm. I'm not usually totally cynical, but this vet was pushing us first towards an ultrasound (£150) whilst saying that it was very unlikely to show up tiny cysts, and so then the next stage of investigation would be a CT Scan, and then an operation ... And she wasn't weighing any risk/benefit with regards to an otherwise totally healthy piggy who has funny nipples and may or may not have ovarian cysts. It was very much pushing us to spend -- it really was. It was absurd even to quote for an ultrasound since if nothing were to show up it would either be because the cysts are too small (they couldn't be felt, after all) or because there was indeed absolutely nothing there ... We took the common-sense approach but it was not the one she was presenting at all. Having read more threads about spaying on this forum, I am also very relieved for Bianca's sake that we didn't put her through it (even if we had the means).
I have only had 2 boars done and that was £72 each (including recovery food, pain meds and many post op checks). I'll be asking my vet when I next see her about piggy spay just so I have a rough idea if I need to do it in the future. Can't imagine it being over £100 though unless there's complications ect. Do you have access to another pig experienced practice? Might be worth asking about.
I'd be interested to know what your vet says as the figures we've been given appear to be so ridiculous.

This seems to be the only exotics vet anywhere near us and they take referrals only. (The general vet makes the referral and this specialist vet then contacts you if they decide that they will take this case on. You aren't allowed to call and make an appointment yourself.) Our general vets is lovely but was very honest and open about not having the expertise. I had taken our piggies to a different vet in the past as one of the vets there has experience with piggies -- but this is because of having them herself rather than it being her speciality. I had also called another vets nearby before going to the exotics one -- but, again, no specialist knowledge. I don't know where else we could go if problems do arise. Let's just hope that Bianca continues to live happy, popcorning days.
Have you checked out recommended vets? Members' Recommended Vets
Yes, thank you. That's how I found the Vets with a piggy-lover vet. It's a veterinary group with 3 or 4 branches but I don't think the piggy-lover vet (!) has hospital/operating facilities. It was another of their branches that I had called before going to the exotics. I've just been back on their website and I now think it will have to be one of their branches we eventually go to. Not yet though 🤞
The last time I had an ultrasound done it cost £40
They really were taking the mickey then. It seems we had already spent far more on being told that it was all very puzzling than anyone did on the spaying itself!
One of my piggies had her ovaries removed, in 2021. The actual operation cost about a hundred pounds, but scans & other medications were about £300 in all. She didn't have to stay overnight.
This is not an exotics vet surgery but a general practice, albeit with a vet who has done a lot of training in exotics.
One of my piggies had her ovaries removed, in 2021. The actual operation cost about a hundred pounds, but scans & other medications were about £300 in all. She didn't have to stay overnight.
This is not an exotics vet surgery but a general practice, albeit with a vet who has done a lot of training in exotics.
That's helpful to know. So it is still £250 less than the best case scenario at the exotic vets we have just been to. It sounds as though you are lucky to have a general practice with a cavy-savvy vet.
I had two of my sows spayed in 2020/2021 - they both had ovarian cysts. The cost for each was approx £250. They were both much improved after their ops and continue to live healthy lives!
That's helpful to know. So it is still £250 less than the best case scenario at the exotic vets we have just been to. It sounds as though you are lucky to have a general practice with a cavy-savvy vet.
Yes, she is very good, this vet. She's quite young and very keen to learn more as well. I had concerns beforehand but she was patient with me and talked me through the whole procedure.
I was the one pushing for this to be done, as nothing had shown up on the scans. But I was the one who had been watching Kanga thinking she was a boar for the past three months so I knew there was something there. When the ovaries were removed they were both covered with tiny cysts. I think the vet and I were both relieved to know that the op had been necessary.
Kanga is back to her old chilled out self now :)
Yes, she is very good, this vet. She's quite young and very keen to learn more as well. I had concerns beforehand but she was patient with me and talked me through the whole procedure.
I was the one pushing for this to be done, as nothing had shown up on the scans. But I was the one who had been watching Kanga thinking she was a boar for the past three months so I knew there was something there. When the ovaries were removed they were both covered with tiny cysts. I think the vet and I were both relieved to know that the op had been necessary.
Kanga is back to her old chilled out self now :)
That’s interesting that both ovaries were covered in tiny cysts. That could well be how it is with Bianca then. She has always been ridiculously rumblestrutty, though, so it’s hard to tell if it is appreciably worse! We’re keeping an eye on her.