Correx Only Cage-advice Please?

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Cavy Crazy

Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 28, 2015
Reaction score
I was planning on getting the skyline maxi xxl but today I went to a sign shop and correx was available in an 8 x 4 sheet,for €43 Is this expensive? How high would I need the sides(no grids) if someone could help me by drawing out a plan it would be greatly appreciated thank you.What is the biggest cage size I can get from a 4 x 8 sheet?
I would allow 20 cm/8 inches rim on each side, so that is in all 40 cm/16 inches extra in each direction.

C&C grids are 35 cm/14inches square. If you use connectors, you get an extra centimetre between grids. You can get easily a 2x5 ft two boar cage out of it and have some left over for a hay loft. You can also use duct tape to patch smaller bits of correx together.

The price is about the same you would pay for correx you order online (the delivery is the expensive bit), but I am not conversant with the exact exchange rate, so other memebers may be of more help on the pricing side.
The plan was to use no grids as delivery costs a fortune,is correx only a bad idea? I would use grids if I could get them but it's very expensive to buy. (UK shipping to Ireland)
The plan was to use no grids as delivery costs a fortune,is correx only a bad idea? I would use grids if I could get them but it's very expensive to buy. (UK shipping to Ireland)

Correx only is not a good idea as guinea pigs can chew their way out of it. The edges would need to be at least a foot high and prevent the guinea pigs from seeing out and prevent air circulation. it is the same problem as why using a fish tank is not recommended.

You need something more solid, either a metal, wood or perspex surround. Grid/bars are best as they allow optimal air flow and ventilation.
Ok thank you for the advice If I covered the edges would it work? Is there any way to make it work? I want the biggest cage as possible without spending alot.I want to put it on a table as I don't have much floor space.
Ok thank you for the advice If I covered the edges would it work? Is there any way to make it work? I want the biggest cage as possible without spending alot.I want to put it on a table as I don't have much floor space.

The correx is going to bend outwards without support over its whole circumference. :(
Did I mention the gnawing already? Never underestimate a determined guinea pig!

You would do better if you considered connecting two cheap 2x4 cages if money is an option - and you could wait until the second is on discount. A second cage would be about the same outlay as the sheet of correx that you are thinking of buying.
What about joining two skyline maxi xxl cages? Or two 100cm cages? I have a 100cm cage already and can get the exact same one but for a discounted price in the petshop I do work experience in.
What about joining two skyline maxi xxl cages? Or two 100cm cages? I have a 100cm cage already and can get the exact same one but for a discounted price in the petshop I do work experience in.

If you want to go for size, go for the larger cages.
You can see in this link what a difference this makes. You can connect the two cages with a log tunnel bridge if you want to.
Cage Size Guide
I want the biggest cage as possible. If I got another 100cm cage it would be 200cm but it's only 20" deep and I was planning on using it for the chicks I will be hatching. What would you do in my situation? I want a large cage with a low budget,I'd be willing to make a cage.
:DIn your situation, I would save up a bit more money until I could afford at least a 2 x 4 C and C cage (for 2 females only- bigger for 2 boys, a in Wiebke;s size guide.)
If I go for a c&c I'll go for 2 x 6 probably,I'm looking into wooden cages at the minute. I would like a cage like this

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