Correx And Shavings?

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Oct 23, 2014
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I presume it's on to use shavings with correx? Do you still line with newspaper underneath. Ours have newspaper, shavings and a layer of hay on top in current cage but planning anew build with C&C. Thanks
Yes, shavings are fine to use with correx, you could use newspaper underneath but really you don't need to use anything. Shavings aren't the best bedding for piggies as the dust irritates their little airways. If you fancy a change there are lots of different types of bedding hilighted on the forum which you could have a look at :)
Yes, shavings are fine to use with correx, you could use newspaper underneath but really you don't need to use anything. Shavings aren't the best bedding for piggies as the dust irritates their little airways. If you fancy a change there are lots of different types of bedding hilighted on the forum which you could have a look at :)
Thank you. Yes I have read that and am currently revisiting it. We've only had piggies since last October and as they were on shavings we continued. I get a big bale of dust extracted ones which seem ok and they are always coveted with a layer of hay as well as fresh hay at one end on top for eating every day. The cost of moving to other bedding worries me. Would you know what the next cheapest option would be? ( Am out all day so can't poop scoop a couple of times through day)
Yes, shavings are fine to use with correx, you could use newspaper underneath but really you don't need to use anything. Shavings aren't the best bedding for piggies as the dust irritates their little airways. If you fancy a change there are lots of different types of bedding hilighted on the forum which you could have a look at :)
Thank you. Yes I have read that and am currently revisiting it. We've only had piggies since last October and as they were on shavings we continued. I get a big bale of dust extracted ones which seem ok and they are always coveted with a layer of hay as well as fresh hay at one end on top for eating every day. The cost of moving to other bedding worries me. Would you know what the next cheapest option would be? ( Am out all day so can't poop scoop a couple of times through day)
Hmm, Fitch has a good rep and it cheap to buy, but you have to buy online :)
Will look into it, I think that's still double the price of my shavings though . I think my £8 bale is about 20k! (Feels like it anyway!)
Fleece is good after the initial cost of buying everything you need :)
I've noticed that lots of people about pay pictures of their cages have fleece, but I can't poop school during the day (which is advised) and then don't you need liberty's underneath (more cost) for the wee? Also constant fleece washing and drying (worried about the electricity bill in winter) and the need to wash them in a sack so they don't wreck the machine. Already keep finding hay on the machine off their snugglebed liners and mini fleece from home bargains! I'm in a quandry! My income is going down so I can't afford piggy cost to go up!
I completely understand. I use towels underneath so once they are bought there is no ongoing cost apart from the washing. To be honest I havent found my bills go up noticeably since using fleece and I have 8 and do 2-3 lots of washing a week for them. I only poo pick at night when I am home too and they are happy :)
Oh yes, Aubiose! Thanks Dave, completely forgot about that! Aubiose is a fab bedding, but it can be difficult to source, you may have to order online or find an equine stockist near you :)
Aubiose is fantastic, I switched from shavings a few months back - the few ££'s extra is worth it because less gets wet when they wee, it sort of just stays in a small patch underneath the surface of the bedding. and its less dusty and seems 'softer'. hope this helps!
That sounds good then, am looking into a supplier on the wirral. The usual stables /pet shop don't have it. Does a bag last as long as shavings? Change twice weekly? (just gone from 2 to 3 piggies this weekend, about to make a 5 x 2 C&C if it will fit)
Puzzled over bedding..... Why is snowflake any better than other shavings? The ones I get are dust extracted? Also the raviera or bliss basic, being straw, won't they eat it along with their hay?
Same applies to hutches and regular cages. It is up to you of course though.
Ok thanks, I hadn't heard that, I just followed what the pet shop said as I didn't know any better in October! Wish I'd have known about C&C cages then, not built or hey but you get a lot More Space for your money!
Any bedding will work well along correx.
You may want to consider not using newspaper as it can help to keep the bedding damp.

Yes I found that using newspaper stopped the Aubiose from doing its job as any wetness (wee or water bottle) simply spread out underneath the Aubiose and seemed to make it more wet than without newspaper.
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