Coroplast problems


Adult Guinea Pig
Jul 17, 2018
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So the base of my c&c is currently corrugated plastic sheet from wickes, before little one Willow arrived it was doing the job fine, as my older one Honey is extremely calm, but now Willow keeps jumping around and now the sides of the coroplast base have started to "cave" inwards. (hope people know what I mean) basically the base is loosing shape, make it difficult for me to make their bed and stuff.

My base is currently only 2mm thick so wondering if this is why it's quite weak, what do other people in the U.K. use?/where do they get their coroplast from? Or if anyone else has this problem what have hey done about it?

*also anyone in the U.K. link me to the grids they use? I'm looking for some cheap ones to extend my current cage?

Thank you 😊
Yes it will be caving in because it’s the thinner correx. I bought mine off of e bay it was the 4mm. However it was a LOT more expensive. Couldn’t you somehow attach the correx to the grids? Hope that makes sense.
Our new C&C has 4mm Correx that came with the cage. Amazon sell Correx quite cheaply I think? I was browsing in case I build an extension...
Yes it will be caving in because it’s the thinner correx. I bought mine off of e bay it was the 4mm. However it was a LOT more expensive. Couldn’t you somehow attach the correx to the grids? Hope that makes sense.
The issue with attaching the correx to the liners is that I don't have proper liners, I just layer they different materials in the base and lay the fleece over the top and fold the fleece blanket over and round the sides. So I wouldn't be able to do that with it attached to the sides. Thanks for the idea tho 😊 I might just have to keep the search up for some thicker stuff 😊
Have you taped the corners to the side where they fold round? I found that helped to strengthen mine although mine is 4mm one. I got my last lot of 4mm corex from a company called Amari Plastics, they have branches nationwide, they do have a minimum order of £30. It comes in lots of sizes, for £30 I got 2 sheets of 8ft x 4ft, we had to fold it to get it in the car but the fold is hidden by the fleece.
Have you taped the corners to the side where they fold round? I found that helped to strengthen mine although mine is 4mm one. I got my last lot of 4mm corex from a company called Amari Plastics, they have branches nationwide, they do have a minimum order of £30. It comes in lots of sizes, for £30 I got 2 sheets of 8ft x 4ft, we had to fold it to get it in the car but the fold is hidden by the fleece.
Maybe I made the base wrong, I cute out individual pieces and taped them together, maybe I should've kept it all as one piece and folded it 😓 Thanks for the info, I may just go buy an additional 2mm piece and tape two lots together to make 4mm 🤔 That would definitely be worth it tho if I had a larger cage/more cages but I would only need 120x60, would be a bit of a waste otherwise, thanks again tho 😊
Ive found that my 2mm is the same in some places, i did cut it as one peice but had flaps to fold over, but what i have done is a couple of hole punch holes in the corners and then a zip tie through and attaching to the grid, in place x
Ive found that my 2mm is the same in some places, i did cut it as one peice but had flaps to fold over, but what i have done is a couple of hole punch holes in the corners and then a zip tie through and attaching to the grid, in place x
Thank you for your response but I have now changed their base to have higher sides and they now have liners rather than just layers of materials placed separately in the cage. But again, thank you 😊