Junior Guinea Pig
Hello all, I have a coroplast cage. I have been thinking a lot about the fact that the coroplast dosnt breathe at all. I mean, guineas will urinated, the urine goes through the fleece only to sit, wet, on the sheet and coroplast. Wouldn't it be better if the bottom of the cage could airate (sp?) instead of the urine just sitting there with no airflow. I punched holes in the coroplast but I am thinking about taking out the coroplast and just having a grid based bottom. I woud then make sure that there was a layer of towel, then sheet, then fleece so that guineas little feet were completely protected. I am also wondering if this design would be too cold for the winter or even better during the winter. Any thoughts?
Lara, S'more the more mores, Cuy Mo girl, Little Miss Tia girl and the white knight, Romeo choo choochi Anderson aka Chooch le boo
Lara, S'more the more mores, Cuy Mo girl, Little Miss Tia girl and the white knight, Romeo choo choochi Anderson aka Chooch le boo