Cookie Squeals When Being Brushed?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 1, 2013
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So my guinea pig cookie squeals when being brushed at the end of his back near his bum and he normally likes being brushed towards there he usually purrs. But also when I stroke him in the same place he squeals too a little.

Does this mean anything?
It could be a sign of mites. I would get him checked out at the vets just to make sure. I hope it is not mites.
I forgot to mention underneath the fur the skin was a bit black instead of pink where he squeals when being brushed and stroked a little.Also my mum doesn't want to got to the vet and also we don't know where one is in my part of the uk.

p.s if it is mites should I move my other pet my hamster into a different room (he is in same room as cookie) could Cookie pass mites onto my hamster?
He won't pass them on to your hamster as I think they cannot be passed between species. It could be mange mites which would explain the pain and he would need treatment at the vets for this with a product called Ivermectin preferably by injection as it is most effective. Other possibilities are hay mites or lice but all would need a diagnosis by the vet before treating. Is your Mum maybe able to come on here and read your thread? If it is left untreated it can get sore if it is mange mites and will not improve without Ivermectin. They can even end up having a fit if it gets too bad. I don't know how old you are but could you offer your pocket money to help with vet fees or help round the house?
He won't pass them on to your hamster as I think they cannot be passed between species. It could be mange mites which would explain the pain and he would need treatment at the vets for this with a product called Ivermectin preferably by injection as it is most effective. Other possibilities are hay mites or lice but all would need a diagnosis by the vet before treating. Is your Mum maybe able to come on here and read your thread? If it is left untreated it can get sore if it is mange mites and will not improve without Ivermectin. They can even end up having a fit if it gets too bad. I don't know how old you are but could you offer your pocket money to help with vet fees or help round the house?

I found a local vet.
I'm in the teen range age and my family doesn't do pocket money. My older brother has a part time job and gets paid but he doesn't care about pets much. My dad's away in a different country as he is a buissness man. Also my mum thinks Cookie is fine as he looks fine and also me and my brother go to school for 6.30 hours and my mum works late till 8pm every weekday so we wouldn't be able to go till the weekend.
Can guinea pigs die from mites if not treated?
Sadly yes they can die. They are also in a lot of pain with mange mites.
Yes they can if left untreated and it gets that bad that they scratch so much that they cause themselves to fit. Could your Mum maybe take him to the vet at the weekend?
Yes they can if left untreated and it gets that bad that they scratch so much that they cause themselves to fit. Could your Mum maybe take him to the vet at the weekend?
she thinks there is no point as he looks fine and is acting his ussuall self except from the squealing when brushed and petted a little.
What else the other sings that it could be mights (to watch out in the future or incase more symptomps come up?)
That cookie still has the squealing when brushed not when stroked anymore and there isn't as many poops as ussuall.
Hairloss, pain when being touched (or brushed), scratching, biting himself. He ideally does need to see a vet as if he does have mites and they are left untreated then they will just get worse. The lack of poo may mean he is not eating as much as usual which could be a pain response.
Ok thanks but the squealing stopped today? but now So i just handled my guinea pig who is around 6 months old and he makes like a sound similar to gasping for air which sounds like its comming from his nose/breathing and he also makes like hiccuping sounds.What does this mean?
It could be heaving hiccups but if he is gasping that would need urgent veterinary attention. Is he still doing it?
That's a bit odd, maybe it is a reaction to you holding him then. Is he eating and drinking ok? and how are his poos now?

It sounds to me like he need a general health check at the vets so you can discuss all of these things.
That's a bit odd, maybe it is a reaction to you holding him then. Is he eating and drinking ok? and how are his poos now?

It sounds to me like he need a general health check at the vets so you can discuss all of these things.

He's 6 months and he's nevr done either of the things before.
There are still less poos and he is eating and drinking fine.
If it is a new development he needs checking out especially if there are still less poos.
If it is a new development he needs checking out especially if there are still less poos.
I cleaned his cage out on sunday and there is only like 7 poops and none in the sleeping area there is normally more. How many poops should guinea pigs do a day on average?
There have only been 7 since Saturday? Is he ducking down and eating them? He really needs to see a vet if he is doing that many poos.
There have only been 7 since Saturday? Is he ducking down and eating them? He really needs to see a vet if he is doing that many poos.
I meant to say sunday but there is only 7-10 maximum. I don't think he is as he tends to do that when I watch tv with him or handle him.
That is still a very small amount, what are the poos like? you said they are smaller? are they dry or pointy? does he seem bloated at all?
Gosh mine have done that many in 5 minutes of floor time. I would definitely get to a vet. I know you are a minor, but pls try and convince your mum . We have a responsibility to our pets, if you are under 18 your mum should really take responsibility and get him to a vet. Sorry, this wasnt meant to sound rude, good luck i hope your piggie is ok x
That is still a very small amount, what are the poos like? you said they are smaller? are they dry or pointy? does he seem bloated at all?
The poos are fine and he doesn't seem bloated

Gosh mine have done that many in 5 minutes of floor time. I would definitely get to a vet. I know you are a minor, but pls try and convince your mum . We have a responsibility to our pets, if you are under 18 your mum should really take responsibility and get him to a vet. Sorry, this wasnt meant to sound rude, good luck i hope your piggie is ok x

The main bit is that my mum works and she has the money I don't have any money.

Its also hard to find time this week with all the exams I have I have to study for the mocks at school
If your mum continues to refuse your animal vet treatment when it's required thats animal cruelty it's as simple as that. It seems tough and horrible but if you were ill your mum would take you to the doctor as soon as possible, it should be the same with animals, there fully dependant on us as there owners. It's a legal responsibility to look after them.

It's important to get vet care as soon as possible, small animals go down hill very quickly and can go from 'fine' to dead in a few hours, it's part of their defence system as prey animals. Please, please seek veterinary help!
It's good that he is not bloated but the fact that he has only done 7 poos since Sunday is not good, they should be pooing round the clock, therefore, it is important that he gets veterinary attention as soon as possible as something is not right. I understand it is your Mum that needs to be the one to do it so please could you explain to her how important this is. It is possible that the pain he felt when you were brushing him is related to him being generally uncomfortable or he could have started eating less due to pain from mange mites which in turn would have an effect on his gut. It's a vicious cycle.

Please could one of the mods or admin move this thread to health and illness if you think if necessary.
To be honest twiams has nailed it, this is what i was trying to get at... i would be worried sick if one of mine had only pood 7 times since Sunday :(
twiams I know its part of the animal welfare act as one of the five welfare needs is:
need to be protected from pain, suffering, injury and disease.
If your mum continues to refuse your animal vet treatment when it's required thats animal cruelty it's as simple as that. It seems tough and horrible but if you were ill your mum would take you to the doctor as soon as possible, it should be the same with animals, there fully dependant on us as there owners. It's a legal responsibility to look after them.

It's important to get vet care as soon as possible, small animals go down hill very quickly and can go from 'fine' to dead in a few hours, it's part of their defence system as prey animals. Please, please seek veterinary help!

I also know they can go down hill quickly as his cage mate died of something before we were going to take him to the vet (on march the 21st he died) at the weekend.
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twiams I know its part of the animal welfare act as one of the five welfare needs is:
need to be protected from pain, suffering, injury and disease.

I also know they can go down hill quickly as his cage mate died of something before we were going to take him to the vet (on march the 21st he died) at the weekend.

There is no acceptable excuse. Animal lives aren't something to be replaced or taken lightly. You've seen his cage mate DIE! I don't wish to sound rude or horrid but as someone who works in a vets and see's small animals such as guinea pigs needlessly dying and a large portion of the time from just not being brought in early enough, and having negligent owners that just 'didn't have the time' i find it disgusting that someone would avoid taking there pet to the vet! For any reason, even money. It's wrong.

If you can't afford to pay for the care of your animal, or are not old enough to have the responsibility don't have an animal of any variety, big or small. It's as simple as that. Every animal requires time, care and attention as well as a large amount of money from the whoever it is dependant on no matter how small the animal is, from budgie to hamster, cat to dog, they cost money!.
The best thing you could do for your guinea pig now is surrender him to someone who can care for him or do the right thing and get him treated by a veterinarian rather than making excuses.
I wonder, is cookie still not drinking much? I recall you had a thread about that a while back. This could be contributing to constipation and certainly wouldn't help the poop situation. While you are still waiting for your mum to look into a vet appointment, it might not hurt to give him some cucumber to up his hydration? And plenty of hay of course.
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