Convincing Parents

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Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 12, 2015
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I currently have one crazy and sweet guinea pig and my parents think she does not need a friend, but I think she does. Do you have any tips on convincing parents for a second guinea pig?
Thank you, Kerrie74! I will fully read the link later, but just scanning through it I picked up a lot of information.
Guineas really do do better when they have a friend or more but of course parents just are a nightmare. Unless you get your parents to read up and educate them on guineas then I would assume as most they are so set in their ways that whatever kids say doesn't matter as it's just about wanting.

My situation is quite different as I am the parent with the guineas and have very uninterested kids.

Good luck x
Recently, I have just adopted a new guinea pig named Chelsea, and I had to convince my parents to get a little friend for my existing guinea pig named Ruby. I did all my research and prepared an essay with a price estimate and raised $200 to pay for a new cage. I also suggest negotiating with your parents. For example, I created a contract in which in return for a second guinea pig, I would do more around the house. My parents were very hard to convince, but I hope yours are easier and this advice helped!
Good luck convincing your parents :-) I know how hard this can be!

I can only suggest you doing your research and then relaying it to them. I'd of thought if you show the time and interest in to researching they will see you're not messing about but instead you are serious etc, if that makes sense?!
All you can do is to do your research and present it to your parents. Guinea pigs really are better off in pairs or groups, and there is plenty of research out there to back that up. I'm not sure how old you are and whether you are working part time and so on, but you could also present ideas to help fund another pig, a larger enclosure (if needed), etc. Really, having two guinea pigs is not much different from having one. I can say as a mom, I would be more inclined to listen to my kids on an issue like this if they came to me with some research and with some practical ideas to make it work and some willingness to make some sacrifices (like putting in some money or offering to pick up additional chores, etc) and then followed through on that. Good luck!
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