Constant Mounting!

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Adult Guinea Pig
Feb 8, 2017
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well I guess the dreaded hormone spike is here... Angus has suddenly started constantly chasing poor Stan around their enclosure all morning. Both are wittering and seem distressed. Stan is tolerating it and occasionally turning on Angus but nothing aggressive. I'm scared Stan is exhausted as he's trying to eat but Angus won't let him due to the constant chasing. Stan had a drop of bloody looking mucus earlier from his nose.
Don't want to separate but it's really upsetting!
well I guess the dreaded hormone spike is here... Angus has suddenly started constantly chasing poor Stan around their enclosure all morning. Both are wittering and seem distressed. Stan is tolerating it and occasionally turning on Angus but nothing aggressive. I'm scared Stan is exhausted as he's trying to eat but Angus won't let him due to the constant chasing. Stan had a drop of bloody looking mucus earlier from his nose.
Don't want to separate but it's really upsetting!

Just give them as much space as you can. An accidental scratch doesn't constitute a fight. If necessary, split them up overnight or at least when they are eating (but make sure that they are eating the same foods!)
Thanks. Yes, there's no aggression but think the blood came from Angus mounting Stans head.
I've got a separate enclosure ready and have cleaned the boys out. There's lots of fresh hay mounds and I've picked a clump of grass and dandelions which they've both shared.
There's calm at the mo but Angus is frustrated. Luckily it's my day off but I've got to go out soon and don't want to separate just yet.
My mum will check on them when I'm out.
Will this be permanent or will it calm down?
It should calm down, but keep close eye. Hopefully they will sort it out soon
Hope your boys sort themselves out soon! We had an unsuccessful bonding not long ago, where Giz repeatedly humped Jakob... only when he knew we were watching though! Strange piggy XD Anyways, in the end they scrapped because Jakey had had enough of Gizmo's 'advances' lol. Fingers crossed your lads figure it out soon! Xx
Ooh eerr!
Thanks guys. They are both so sweet usually and I noticed Angus has been a tad irritable and stroppy last couple of days. Today he was so irritated and I think confused with what was happening. A big clumpnof fresh grass calmed them down and I closed the curtains to darken the room and they both slept well.
Angus was occasionally wittering at Stan, went to chase then stopped so I hope he's past the idea but the spare set up is ready just in case.
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