Constant Humping..

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
hi I was just wanting a bit of help with my 2 piggies, Ronnie is 3 years old and my mum couldn't look after him so she passed him along to me as my skinny pig had sadly just died, well 2 weeks ago my boyfriend surprised me with a small guinea pig (another male) to be a friend for Ronnie, they are currently in separate cages and I am slowly introducing them to each other I'm a neutral space, I'm just not sure what to be looking out for in terms of good behaviour or bad, Gandalf keeps nipping Ronnies back end and humping him or just climbing on top of him, Ronnie doesn't get aggressive and runs away but Gandalf chases. Is this normal or is Ronnie irritated?
I currently have 2 boy piggies one (Ronnie) is 3 the other (Gandalf) I'm not sure, the oldest has been alone for the full 3 years (he is a rescue so not my choice), I only got him a few months ago to be a friend for my skinny but he was at that age where he didn't want to be bothered and attacked Ronnie So I kept them separate, an so the youngest was a gift from my partner who decided Ronnie needed a friend which I was happy about as I love guineas until he told me he was male and now I'm worried I'm going to be in the same situation, so far when I've put them together there's no aggression, some nipping from Gandalf but mainly he chases Ronnie to climb onto his back or to hump him. I was wondering if this was normal? And if so what other behaviours good or bad should I look out for?
hi I was just wanting a bit of help with my 2 piggies, Ronnie is 3 years old and my mum couldn't look after him so she passed him along to me as my skinny pig had sadly just died, well 2 weeks ago my boyfriend surprised me with a small guinea pig (another male) to be a friend for Ronnie, they are currently in separate cages and I am slowly introducing them to each other I'm a neutral space, I'm just not sure what to be looking out for in terms of good behaviour or bad, Gandalf keeps nipping Ronnies back end and humping him or just climbing on top of him, Ronnie doesn't get aggressive and runs away but Gandalf chases. Is this normal or is Ronnie irritated?

Hi! Please take the time to read through these guides here. They tell you in detail what to do and what to look out for. You cannot bond boars in small bits; once you commit to an introduction, you have to see it through. Any separation will force your boys to start right back at the beginning and all over again. So far, the behaviour is par for the course. Yiu have to see whether Gandalf continues to put up with Ronnie or what happens when he has got enough.
Illustrated Bonding / Dominance Behaviours And Dynamics
Introducing And Re-introducing Guinea Pigs
Dominance Behaviours In Guinea Pigs
I currently have 2 boy piggies one (Ronnie) is 3 the other (Gandalf) I'm not sure, the oldest has been alone for the full 3 years (he is a rescue so not my choice), I only got him a few months ago to be a friend for my skinny but he was at that age where he didn't want to be bothered and attacked Ronnie So I kept them separate, an so the youngest was a gift from my partner who decided Ronnie needed a friend which I was happy about as I love guineas until he told me he was male and now I'm worried I'm going to be in the same situation, so far when I've put them together there's no aggression, some nipping from Gandalf but mainly he chases Ronnie to climb onto his back or to hump him. I was wondering if this was normal? And if so what other behaviours good or bad should I look out for?

Hi - are you using two different usernames? I have just answered on another thread with those two guinea pigs.
No partner decided he wanted to use my other name without telling me so I thought I'd been hacked, only to find out he logged on asked the same question lol I am currently being lectured lol

You appear to have two accounts? New Friend I can tell this by your IP address. Is their two of you posting in one house or have you forgotten your log in. It would be eaiser to give advise on just one thread only
Righto, I am going to merge the threads together :)
Threads merged :) Myself and my wife have two accounts also

It is no problem posting in the same house at all, just easier for one of you to ask one question so it can be kept altogether and we can get you the answers you need. these things happen from time to time - no worries :)
Just an update for anyone interested, I did as the links suggested and just went for it, they are currently in the cage together, there's still a bit of grumbling as Ronnie only likes to be touched on his terms but Gandalf is full on let's share this pod n let me follow you etc, the only problem I seemed to have was after I cleaned them out again there was a lot of grumbling, no aggression just a lot of rumbling n butt wiggling from Ronnie but that soon stopped after an hour, they are getting a larger cage tomorrow (finally) so I am hoping this won't be too much of a disruption for them and they settle quickly
Great update. So glad things re going well for your boys.

Haha about Ronnie's butt wiggling!
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