considering a second piggy

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Mar 18, 2012
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Hello! My family adopted a guinea pig about 6 months ago and while I have researched alot, taken him to the vet, and talked to many people, I still have some unanswered questions. Hopefully you can help! :(|)

When we adopted buggy, his nails were so overgrown, they were growing back into the pads of his feet. We took him to the vet the next day where they were trimmed and given instructions on how to clip them and he also was given a clean bill of health OTHER then the nails.

We originally decided to get him due to his size as hamsters were too small for my 2 year old to handle and we wanted a pet we could all interact with. I have to admit that while I assume responsibility for him, its amazing that she will remind me to feed and water him daily ( not that she has to ) and ask to take him out and play all the time. He has turned out to be an amazing little guy. Watching him come out of his shell ( he was skittish and didn't "talk" for the first 3 months ) has been heartwarming and so very rewarding.

So on to my question. When we got him, he was already a year old. I was unaware of the dangers of putting him with another guinea pig after he has gotten so old until we later researched it ( once we were comfortable with him and he with us ) and thought he might like some company. I'm no expert by far, so I'm wondering if there is a way to introduce another guinea pig or is it impossible at this point ( he's almost 2 now ) to expect him to accept another piggy? He gets alot of attention at home.....has a cage almost as big as my daughter's bed, goes outside several times a week to play in the grass, even lays in bed watching movies with us as a family ( I have dogs also that he doesn't mind that do the same ). But I'm concerned he may need some interaction with another pig. Any advice or knowledge would be much appreciated!
Hello welcome to the forum.
It would be great for your guinea pig to have a friend. He's not too old to accept another pig you just have to let him choose his own friend. In the UK there are rescues that you can take your pig to for 'dating' where they usually stay there for up to a week while the rescue owner finds a good personality match and can observe them through the bonding process. Do you have any where near you that you could take him to?
I'm not sure......We recently moved so I'm still learning the area here, but I will look into it. Although I haven't noticed any guinea pigs at the local shelters here, so I'm not sure if they even accept them.......
I did wonder whether guinea pig rescues are as common in the US. Hopefully one of our other American members might be able to help.
It's always recommended to keep guinea pigs in pairs as they are sociable animals and would naturally live in herds so they do need company of their own kind. It would still be possible to introduce him to a baby boar and for them to form a bond but it's best if he is able to choose his own friend. I see you're in the US so I'm not sure what to suggest, in the UK we have rescues that do 'boar dating' where you take your boar to the rescue to be introduced to another boar to see how they get on. This means if the first 'date' doesn't work he can be tried with other piggies until he finds someone he can get along with.

Hopefully someone else will come along with more suggestions, I think the guinealynx forum is US based so if you join their site as well you may find people there can help with where to go for another piggy. In the meantime have a browse of all the sections of the forum, in the behaviour section there's loads of info on introductions and keeping boars together. :)

Edit: The person above posted whilst I was typing! :)
If boar dating isnt possible, all hope is not lost! You may still be able to try him with a very young male piggy, but others will need to give more advice on this, so hopefully they will be along shortly.

(Welcome to the forum! :) )
It sounds like you have a wonderful and attentive little piggie in Buggy, and he would definitely benefit from a friend. Piggies are very social and while some are OK on their own, I have yet to meet anyone who would recommend a piggie be alone unless they have to be. I used to have a boy named Arnold whom we were told had to be alone as he attacked other males. My housemate had a docile young male named Sterling, and they got on amazingly well and were quite happy to live together.

I hope that you can find a rescue near you who will help you find a friend, I'm pretty certain that you will see a difference in him! :)
Thank you for all the advice and warm welcomes! I will have to check out the other forum also. I have been browsing through this one and so far have seen a few that have answered other questions I have ( such as housing since he seems bound and determined to eat every one we have bought for him. mallethead ).

He is an amazing little guy and I'm glad we decided to add him to our family!
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