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Congested sound when breathing


Junior Guinea Pig
May 19, 2022
Reaction score
United States
My baby pig Ushi that I got about a week ago has been sounding congested since yesterday. It just sounds like she has a bunch of gunk in her nose or something. I had a piggy in the past that was always a little sickly and often sounded congested in exactly the same way. Ushi’s breathing was perfectly fine before though. I also weighed her and her weight went down some but I don’t know how much of a drop is significant. Is this a big concern ?
Please have breathing issues checked by a vet.
Piggies have narrow airways and any dust can make breathing sound noisy but because she is a new piggy and may have brought something in with her, it is best to have a vet check carried out.

How much weight has she lost?
Weight loss becomes concerning at 50g. You go on alert - switch to daily weight checks and syringe feed, prepare to see a vet.
100g of loss in a day or so becomes an urgent concern/emergency.

Weight - Monitoring and Management
She was at 609g on the 18th and then 578g on the 22nd so that’s not too much of a concern is it? But she is a baby. I’m not sure exactly how old she is but maybe somewhere around 3 months. Thank you for responding so fast
31g in 4 days. So given she is a youngster and you are seeing potentially breathing related symptoms, I would still switch to daily weight checks while you are waiting for a vet appointment. It will enable you to be sure she is eating properly. Any more weight loss and I would offer some support feeding.
Do book a vet appointment

Is she living with another piggy?
That’s good.
As I say, I would book a vet appointment and switch to daily weight checks so you can
monitor more closely.
I hope she is ok