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Congested Guinea Pig (seen The Vet 3 Times)


New Born Pup
Nov 23, 2016
Reaction score
Oxford, United Kingdom
Hi All!

I have a piggy called Monty who is just over 2 years old. He lives with his brother Trevor. Trevor's fine and doesn't have any problems.

They live in a massive cage with a paper based bedding. It's got a hay rack in it as well of course, with water, pellets etc.

I've had guinea pigs for years so I like to think I know what I'm doing and take care of them best I can!

Monty is an odd case. He seems to be very congested a lot of the time (blocked/runny nose, sneezes/coughs frequently).

He's seen the vet 3 times about it and he hasn't got any infections or problems. Lungs, heart, all clear. They confirm he is congested but put it down to allergies (we previously used hay bedding, swapped for paper to help his breathing) like hayfever.

I've noticed since changing the bedding his squeaking is less croaky / blocked sounding, so that seems to be recovering, but he's still a bit sinus-y. Bedding was swapped over about a week ago, so it might be early days still.

I want to make him more comfortable and ease his blocked up nose (and maybe throat). Does anyone have any suggestions? Perhaps some GP safe medications for allergies for blocked up pipes!

Oh also, Monty eats and drinks like usual. He's a chunky piggy who loves his veggies, run time, cuddle time etc. so other than this he seems really healthy (and he's seen the vet).


Found a thread recently for you here on the same sort of thing Allergies/breathing Problems

Is he an indoor piggy or outdoor? If he is indoor maybe switch to fleece?

Could you add your location to your profile as it helps us tailor any advice if ever needed to your geographical location

Welcome again
Hi Lee

I live in Oxfordshire, I've updated my profile!

Monty is an indoor piggy, he lives in a really open room that's well ventilated. Not too hot or cold.

I'm not sure if he does have any heart issues, he hasn't had extensive testing other than the vet listening to him and me keeping an eye on him.

An anti-histamine would probably help him the most I think..

Hi Again

I can hear him breathing and it sounds like a slight whistle sometimes. We took him to the vet before on 3 occasions when this was happening.

Is it possible he has something serious instead?

His brother seems absolutely fine.

I may call the vet tomorrow to discuss...
