Confusing bonding


New Born Pup
Jun 23, 2022
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Hi, a little over a month ago my 8 year old pig passed away. Her cage mate, Star (2 years old) had started losing patches of fur around this time. Not scratching or mites, just hair loss. When she began showing depression signs I got her a new friend, Penelope (8 months old).
They have been getting along for the most part, even shared a house on the first day, and Star’s fur is all grown back in now. But Star has started running away when Penelope touches her. They’ve been together for about 2 weeks now. There’s no signs of biting or fighting and they both make wheeking noises to each other.
Star is about half the size of Penelope due to her being malnourished as a baby before I got her. I got her when she was 1 years old and her old cage mate when back and forth on dominance with her.
If anyone else has had this experience, any insight would be helpful.
Has the fur loss been checked by a vet? Ovarian cysts can cause fur loss and also behaviour changes, always best to rule out any medical issues first before assuming it's just behavioural.
Has the fur loss been checked by a vet? Ovarian cysts can cause fur loss and also behaviour changes, always best to rule out any medical issues first before assuming it's just behavioural.
Yes she got checked out for the fur and the vet said it could have been from stress of losing her cage mate. They had thought about cysts but told me to wait and watch.