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Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 26, 2014
Reaction score
Hornsea East Yorkshire uk
Hi everyone, I've had Guinea pigs for years now all girls, we also have one girl nibbles that we rescued about 2 years ago, we recently introduced a baby girl to nibbles about 4 weeks ago and there getting on brilliantly. About a week ago nibbles started rumbling and vibrating. I watched a video on sounds and it looks like what male pigs do when they want to mate with another pig? I thought both of mine where girls and none of my others have ever made this sound, anyone had this with two girls?
Hi everyone, I've had Guinea pigs for years now all girls, we also have one girl nibbles that we rescued about 2 years ago, we recently introduced a baby girl to nibbles about 4 weeks ago and there getting on brilliantly. About a week ago nibbles started rumbling and vibrating. I watched a video on sounds and it looks like what male pigs do when they want to mate with another pig? I thought both of mine where girls and none of my others have ever made this sound, anyone had this with two girls?

Rumblestrutting (and mounting!) is normal dominance behaviour for all guinea pigs. You see it most often during the introduction and then again when sows come into season, especially in new bonds.

Some laid-back sow bonds rarely show seasonal behaviour whereas with others it is a regular occurrence. If an older sow that has not been newly bonded is suddenly showing signs of being constantly in season and/or aggression our of the blue, please have her checked for ovarian cysts.
Sow Behaviour
Rumblestrutting (and mounting!) is normal dominance behaviour for all guinea pigs. You see it most often during the introduction and then again when sows come into season, especially in new bonds.

Some laid-back sow bonds rarely show seasonal behaviour whereas with others it is a regular occurrence. If an older sow that has not been newly bonded is suddenly showing signs of being constantly in season and/or aggression our of the blue, please have her checked for ovarian cysts.
Sow Behaviour
Thanks was confused as never happened with any of our other pigs, I thought it was a dominance noise until I watched a video and that worries me as thought one may have been mistaken for a girl and is a boy.
Thanks was confused as never happened with any of our other pigs, I thought it was a dominance noise until I watched a video and that worries me as thought one may have been mistaken for a girl and is a boy.

It can throw sow owners quite badly!
I always recommend to double check the gender of any guinea pigs upon arrival, as mistakes can and have happened. Sexing Guinea Pigs: How to Sex a Guinea Pig
It can throw sow owners quite badly!
I always recommend to double check the gender of any guinea pigs upon arrival, as mistakes can and have happened. Sexing Guinea Pigs: How to Sex a Guinea Pig
Thank you I've just looked at the link and will get them out in a min and see if I can tell, if I can't I will book in with vet to double check!
Our male is a ruble strutting champion (go Eddi), however our dominant female has also recently started doing it too.
It confused us a bit at first as well!
Just to say that you are very likely to have two sows, but I have often seen my sows in season rumblestrutting at and chasing their female companions and even my "husboars" and mounting them before they were ready to mate. ;)
Rumble strutting can be done by either female or male, my girls get really bad when they are in season. All 9 of mine like to have a strut lol (6 boars and 3 sows).
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