Senior Guinea Pig
I just went to give my guinea pigs their daily handful of pellets and Sakurai was squeakign her head off for it. Now she usually does this but she'll run over to the bowl yet this time didn't. A little confused, I fed the boys above first and then put the handful in the bowl for her and Ryou. Ryou immediately ran over and started to scoff the food down (as he usually does, greedy boy) yet Sakurai was slowly to do it and then she very tentatively, belly as low as I have seen a guinea pig press it, snuck over, got her head just past the cardboard box in the cage then ran back into the corner. She repeated this a few times, 2-3 I'd say then gave up and sat in the corner. Confused I grabbed a few pellets and started to hand feed her them through the bars. She was more than happy to eat and once full, as she was hidde between the haybox and cardboard box just sat there and slowly started to eat the hay that had fallen after she was fed up of pellets.
Now I'm really confused by this behaviour. She's never acted like this before and is far more skittish of me than she is Ryou yet today she was more than happy for me to hand feed her pellets yet refused to go over and eat with Ryou. Neither of them seem to have any blood on them that I could tell from outside of the cage. I didn't want to freak her out more by taking her out just yet.
Now the boys above, Bakura has just hit his hormonal time and so Romano and he are rumbling a lot at one another. I did notice she looked around when they started to do that and peered around the box to look at Ryou warily. He was still eating.
Now I'm not sure what's going on with her. Has Ryou and her had a fallout? Yet they have been together for at least 1 and a half years so this seems odd. They've never had a problem before. Or do you think she's been freaked out by the boys above and think its Ryou doing it?
I'm really not sure what to think but I am worried about her.
She's more than happy to eat as she's eaten the hay, pellets I fed her and a green bean I tested her with too.
I just went to give my guinea pigs their daily handful of pellets and Sakurai was squeakign her head off for it. Now she usually does this but she'll run over to the bowl yet this time didn't. A little confused, I fed the boys above first and then put the handful in the bowl for her and Ryou. Ryou immediately ran over and started to scoff the food down (as he usually does, greedy boy) yet Sakurai was slowly to do it and then she very tentatively, belly as low as I have seen a guinea pig press it, snuck over, got her head just past the cardboard box in the cage then ran back into the corner. She repeated this a few times, 2-3 I'd say then gave up and sat in the corner. Confused I grabbed a few pellets and started to hand feed her them through the bars. She was more than happy to eat and once full, as she was hidde between the haybox and cardboard box just sat there and slowly started to eat the hay that had fallen after she was fed up of pellets.
Now I'm really confused by this behaviour. She's never acted like this before and is far more skittish of me than she is Ryou yet today she was more than happy for me to hand feed her pellets yet refused to go over and eat with Ryou. Neither of them seem to have any blood on them that I could tell from outside of the cage. I didn't want to freak her out more by taking her out just yet.
Now the boys above, Bakura has just hit his hormonal time and so Romano and he are rumbling a lot at one another. I did notice she looked around when they started to do that and peered around the box to look at Ryou warily. He was still eating.
Now I'm not sure what's going on with her. Has Ryou and her had a fallout? Yet they have been together for at least 1 and a half years so this seems odd. They've never had a problem before. Or do you think she's been freaked out by the boys above and think its Ryou doing it?
I'm really not sure what to think but I am worried about her.
She's more than happy to eat as she's eaten the hay, pellets I fed her and a green bean I tested her with too.